All Hands on DEC

Per the usual, GOD figured it out for me.

Mentioned several times ‘round these parts that I am a fatbody.  A lard ahh.  Bit of a beached whale.

Not that I care but Half does and thus so I must.

Anyhoo, back eleventy-umpteen years ago, bought a … device, designed to help with that.

Of course it stands abandoned in the corner of the house, because that what exercise devices do, for heaven’s sake.  Stare balefully at their owners and bestow guilt trips.

Thank you, oh neglected expense.

Whatever.  Started using the device not too recently ago, and voila!  Actually not as fat as before.

Still fat, just not as much.  What changed?

So glad you (Other Person, You) asked.

I asked GOD for some help.  See how that works?  Yes, yes you (being me myself) do.

GOD told me to take it one pound at a time (or half a kilo for you foreign heathens).

Work on one pound at a time, every ten days, for three pounds in a month, almost 20 in six months, and nearly 40 in a year.  Not quite, but math.

And then I got discouraged, because it wasn’t working, and I actually got fatter (oops).

But wait!  Guess what? 

Exercise causes changes in the body, one of which is (tah-dah!) itty-bitty tears in muscle fibers, which causes inflammation, which causes water retention, which causes poundage.

Well, lookee that.

Know what else GOD said?  Keep at it.

Losing weight is like losing debt … one pound, one dollar (or half a kilo, one pound for the heathens) at a time, and don’t stop. 

GOD also sent me another message.

Chocolate is keeping me fat.  Well pooh ALL OVER THAT.  I like chocolate.  Makes me … if not happy, at least momentarily, briefly, temporarily serene.

So, guess I can enjoy a moment of fun and a lifetime of fat, or deny myself and get … less fat.

But wait!  There’s more.

GOD also sent me another message.  HE hears us, just keeping praying … and GOD only gives three answers:

              “Not yet.”
              “Got something better in mind …”

              (Saw that on a t-shirt … love that, so hard)

The other message was from a guy on the Tubes of You, part of the manosphere, who threatens his viewers/subscribers with home invasion and bodily harm if they don’t go work out today.  Meaning right now.  Every day.  After liking/sharing/subscribing, of course.

Love that guy, with his H(a)BO special.

GOD told me (through this guy) give it six months, consistently, and you’ll see significant improves.

So, the full message?

All hands on DEC. 

Don’t worry about the numbers on the scale … the results are coming … and sooner if on DEC.


GOD, still awesome, since forever and infinity and always.  {1 Corin. 2:9}