Empires Do Not Fall … Only Drop to Collective Knees and Face-Plant Into the Muck

Watched King’s “The Stand” on the Tubes of You not too long ago, remember reading the author’s cut about a million years ago … seems so very plausible, particularly in light of recent global troubles. Shut down the world, indeed. Had a classmate back in those dim, dark, desperate days of high school whose dad …

Once More into the Breach, Dear Friends …

theKid started back to school … and how quickly these years have passed. Harking back to the early days of pre-K, diaper changes with strangers, foot and mouth disease. And is it impetigo or vitiligo?  Never could keep those straight. Anyhoo, during those formative years always believed the adults were exaggerating when they said time speeds …

And the Journey Continues …

My problem is that not everyone sucks, and not all the time. Mentioned earlier in these parts that a Merry Tweaker bested me, wandered off with a solid five-figure, one comma, double-digited heist … Sigh.  Learn me to give the face-tatted stranger a chance. Anyhoo, are where we are, and getting to a better place. …

Prodigal Fam

Half has promised to bring Halfself and theKid back next month. It’s been awhile. Methinks me be lying if me said sleeping in, occasionally fooding, hermitting and yon’midnight late-nights haven’t been nice … most def have. A solitary creature does like its solitude. But. Even Ted Kaczinski needed to reach out.  Jim Beam has a …

XX v. XY = Ø

Made the mistake of reading an article on BuzzFeed re the dumpster fire of entitlement, narcissism, and victimhood as it pertains to MFs and her collective justification of infidelity. Really. And this is what the M&Ms (modern mens) have to choose from. Now, to be honest, upfront and transparent, M&Ms have many shortcomings as well …

OK Not Worried, Worried … but Still

Methinks I suppose the question becomes … now what? Ashton Kutcher (could he have been any better typecast than Kelso?  Methinks not) recently took some heat for stating the obvious … which the Hollywood strikes of ‘23/’24 protested … that Hollywood, that cauldron of magic and mystery, will be controlled entirely by AI. No more …