And the Journey Continues …

My problem is that not everyone sucks, and not all the time. Mentioned earlier in these parts that a Merry Tweaker bested me, wandered off with a solid five-figure, one comma, double-digited heist … Sigh.  Learn me to give the face-tatted stranger a chance. Anyhoo, are where we are, and getting to a better place. …

And the Saga Continues … But Y Tho’?

This is … almost, but not quite, sorta-not, not even … funny. Sigh. So it’s raining (again) and while rain is almost always welcome, not so much right in the now. Face-tatted, poo-flinging monkey person is still on site, claiming rain will delay even further, and constantly looking/asking/begging for cash … “Can’t finish without … …

Poo-Flinging, Face-Tatted, Club-Footed Monkey

OK not mad, exactly.  Just perplexed.  A bit irritated.  Confused, as to this. OK so there are not one but two two holes in the ceiling … one of which due to gross negligence, the other to … idiocy?  Morons moving through the world?  Stupidity just strutting about? Yah, methinks so. OK so face-tatted “guy” …

Moderately Moderate in Moderation

Briefly perused (wat? “pear”? “yoused”? ENGLISHMAKESNOSENSE) an article about how to shop for the holidays without breaking the budget (that’s ‘cuz budgets don’t work and waste my time) and suggested that folks plan ahead, make a list of gift-receivers, decide the gift, then shop for sales.  Oh, wait.  That sounds like a SPENDING PLAN. See?  …

The Four Horsemen of Consumption

Only four things to do with the thing after spending money on the thing. Use it.  Sell it.  Gift it.  Toss it. Most folks will use/consume it – whatever it is – for a bit then either              give/gift it to someone else,                             try to sell it in exchange for cash/(rarely) trade,                                           or throw it away …

Money Money Money Muuhh-ney … MUHHHHN-NAAAAYYY

Did not truly appreciate the fact until I read this book, but … companies and governments run exactly the same. Not with the same purpose … contrary to what Mr. Potatohaid says/thinks, can’t run a country like a business. No, rather government (or gub’mint, to be consistent) and private enterprise need money to function … …

They Said I Could So I Did … Prolly Shouldn’t’ve, Tho’ … YOLO!!! (well, twice … afterlife)

OK, so … wait.  Hear me out.  This is good, I promise. I think. OK, so, somewhere around these parts there was a discussion of debt monkeys, and how the credit circus will forever want the masses to play, and not only watch the show but become an active part of it.  OK, so, what …