Empires Do Not Fall … Only Drop to Collective Knees and Face-Plant Into the Muck

Watched King’s “The Stand” on the Tubes of You not too long ago, remember reading the author’s cut about a million years ago … seems so very plausible, particularly in light of recent global troubles. Shut down the world, indeed. Had a classmate back in those dim, dark, desperate days of high school whose dad …

BootyHole Worms, AKA Parental Debts

There’s a delightful young woman on the Tok of the Tik – the Girl with the List / @z00mie – and she offers birth control advice / cures for baby fever.  She (I believe the term) “stitches” other clips together of women describing the absolute horror of certain birth situations. For example, one woman reminisced …

Wow … Didn’t See That One Coming, But Pretty Sure Someone Did

Some disgruntled bearing a discount sniper scope tried to end the Orange Menace.  How very American.  And of course the shooter was killed by … “law enforcement.” Big fan of conspiracy theories, so thought would add another. The objective of the masters of mankind is authoritarianism, and currently the best approach to achieve that goal …

Not All Who Wander Are Lost … But Only the Foolish Will Follow

That hurt.  Like … was actually, literally, physically painful.  Elder abuse is just cruel.  The CryptKeeper is a dead man wandering, helped off stage by his wife … no one likes his HalfNot … and the pride/persistence of the DNC will serve the Orange Menace another term on a silver platter, followed possibly by a …

OK Not Worried, Worried … but Still

Methinks I suppose the question becomes … now what? Ashton Kutcher (could he have been any better typecast than Kelso?  Methinks not) recently took some heat for stating the obvious … which the Hollywood strikes of ‘23/’24 protested … that Hollywood, that cauldron of magic and mystery, will be controlled entirely by AI. No more …