Once More into the Breach, Dear Friends …

theKid started back to school … and how quickly these years have passed. Harking back to the early days of pre-K, diaper changes with strangers, foot and mouth disease. And is it impetigo or vitiligo?  Never could keep those straight. Anyhoo, during those formative years always believed the adults were exaggerating when they said time speeds …

Prodigal Fam

Half has promised to bring Halfself and theKid back next month. It’s been awhile. Methinks me be lying if me said sleeping in, occasionally fooding, hermitting and yon’midnight late-nights haven’t been nice … most def have. A solitary creature does like its solitude. But. Even Ted Kaczinski needed to reach out.  Jim Beam has a …

Ballet, Beauty Pageants, and Birth … or Whose Dream Is It, Anyway?

Ring/buzz/trill. “Hello?” “Hey Dad.” “Hey!  It’s my number one son!  How’s it going?” “Good, Dad.  Good.” “And how are all my grandbabies?” Gentle chuckle.  “They’re fine.” “And my daughter-in-law?” “She’s good.” “Planted the next seed yet?” Another chuckle.  “Not just yet.  The baby’s only a few months old, figured I’d give her break.  Maybe have …

BootyHole Worms, AKA Parental Debts

There’s a delightful young woman on the Tok of the Tik – the Girl with the List / @z00mie – and she offers birth control advice / cures for baby fever.  She (I believe the term) “stitches” other clips together of women describing the absolute horror of certain birth situations. For example, one woman reminisced …

XX v. XY = Ø

Made the mistake of reading an article on BuzzFeed re the dumpster fire of entitlement, narcissism, and victimhood as it pertains to MFs and her collective justification of infidelity. Really. And this is what the M&Ms (modern mens) have to choose from. Now, to be honest, upfront and transparent, M&Ms have many shortcomings as well …

Limping into the 21st Century

OK so Arizona just repealed its Civil War-era, pre-state admission to the Union, 1864 (yes, that is an “8”) ban re abortion, and must say methinks … that is really, really sad. No debt owed to modernity there, oh-ho-ho-no.  But they did repeal it, so that’s something.  Still … the laws in effect remain way …