
Saw an interesting article about the high numbers of dead infants found along the highways and byways of Texas, in dumpsters and roadside trashbins. 

Because Texas just wants babies to be born, wholly indifferent as to what happens to them after.  Smart.

That, and trying to get MFs to lower the slut ratios.  There is that, because abortion is – literally – the ultimate GOJF card.  And there are many, many people (male & female) who have a problem with that.

One reason methinks installing an IUD is so painful.  Women have been complaining for decades just how much more beyond “a little pinch” … “slight discomfort” … “this might hurt a bit” … the placement of that specific contraceptive really, truly is.  No personal knowledge re the veracity of those claims but since the plural of anecdote is data pretty sure probably likely accurate. 

The medical establishment – run/controlled/dictated by men – could implement a local anesthetic to the cervix as part of the treatment protocol but oh-ho-no not going to have that.

Want to have sex sans baby-risk?  Wellnow here missy, take that.

Also difficult for young, healthy women to find a doctor to sterilize. 
“You don’t know what you want, so here – have a baby.”

Methinks the attitude is that the seggsytimes are intended not for a woman’s pleasure but a man’s,
and women who partake in the seggsytimes should be punished with a pregnancy, consenting or not.

Birthing babies = the debt women owe men for building/maintaining order, civility, and society.

See: “your body, my choice.”  May Nick Fuentes get any, every and all the things he so rightly deserves. 

The more effective approach?  Education, with a side of script. 
Prepare these young women for the advances of these young men.

Him:  “If you loved me, you would.”
Her:  “If you loved me, you’d wait.”

Him:  “Just let me put in the tip.”
Her:  “That’s the most dangerous part.  No thanks.”

Him:  “What are you waiting for?  It’s not that big of a deal.”
Her:  “So what’s the rush?”
Him:  “I want to feel you.”
Her:  “Here – hold my hand.”

Saw a stat that in 2009 Colorado started offering free IUDs to teens w/o parental consent.  Within 10 years teen pregnancies had dropped by 54 percent, and teen abortions?  Down by more than 60 percent.  The data found that for every $1 invested in the teen IUD program the state saved almost $6 bucks in labor/delivery costs, childcare assistance and food stamps.

See?  As always … the point is not to solve the problem but to create new ones by placing obstacles against solutions that work. 

Major part of the problem is the puritanical origin of the US sexual mindset.  Sex is not viewed as part of healthy human interaction but rather a dirty little secret, a bit of wet nasty done in the dark. 

Yes, it is how most of us got here, test-tube babies/frankenkids notwithstanding. 

But medicine advances … most folks don’t die from sepsis or smallpox or the flu anymore, polio and measles are essentially extinct, and reproduction is no longer merely reactive, or even consequential. 

Folks, especially women, can now be proactive and make the conscious decision to (not) have children while still having/enjoying/partaking in the sex.

Which is the problem. 

And rather than accept the reality of recreational seggsytimes the old, crusty, boiled egg-eyed, diminutively-endowed horsemen perpetually in power would prefer dead babies littering the streets while planting a flag in the moral high ground – “Save the unborn!!!” – yet simultaneously working hard to prevent the implementation of any approach that is demonstrably effective, that actually works.

Question posed on the FaceTik: What is one thing that Americans believe is Christian but really isn’t?

America.  {Proverbs 16:2}

‘Nuff said.

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