Empires Do Not Fall … Only Drop to Collective Knees and Face-Plant Into the Muck

Watched King’s “The Stand” on the Tubes of You not too long ago, remember reading the author’s cut about a million years ago … seems so very plausible, particularly in light of recent global troubles. Shut down the world, indeed. Had a classmate back in those dim, dark, desperate days of high school whose dad …

And the Journey Continues …

My problem is that not everyone sucks, and not all the time. Mentioned earlier in these parts that a Merry Tweaker bested me, wandered off with a solid five-figure, one comma, double-digited heist … Sigh.  Learn me to give the face-tatted stranger a chance. Anyhoo, are where we are, and getting to a better place. …

Cognitive Dissonance, or If Everything Is Better Why Does It All Suck?

Gleaned an article re the strong job market, low unemployment, boundless opportunities, Wall Street on record highs (booger shooger will do that). Aaaannnndddd then there’s another article re how tech workers of FANG – Facebook, Amazon, NetFlix, Google – are experiencing layoffs, unable to find work, living on credit cards and out of their cars, …

XX v. XY = Ø

Made the mistake of reading an article on BuzzFeed re the dumpster fire of entitlement, narcissism, and victimhood as it pertains to MFs and her collective justification of infidelity. Really. And this is what the M&Ms (modern mens) have to choose from. Now, to be honest, upfront and transparent, M&Ms have many shortcomings as well …

And the Saga Continues … But Y Tho’?

This is … almost, but not quite, sorta-not, not even … funny. Sigh. So it’s raining (again) and while rain is almost always welcome, not so much right in the now. Face-tatted, poo-flinging monkey person is still on site, claiming rain will delay even further, and constantly looking/asking/begging for cash … “Can’t finish without … …

A Riddle, Wrapped in Mystery, Swaddled with Enigma, Excreting WTF

OK so the Elder has a brand-new roof … hopefully it won’t leak. Wasn’t planning on a new roof … no spending plan for a new roof … but got one, anyway. After discovering black mold and dry rot, the face-tatted monkey hump that is this person managed to get more $$$ from me than …

Poo-Flinging, Face-Tatted, Club-Footed Monkey

OK not mad, exactly.  Just perplexed.  A bit irritated.  Confused, as to this. OK so there are not one but two two holes in the ceiling … one of which due to gross negligence, the other to … idiocy?  Morons moving through the world?  Stupidity just strutting about? Yah, methinks so. OK so face-tatted “guy” …

Talk Left / Live Right, or What I Said is Not What I Do

Well isn’t that interesting. Article by Brad Wilcox in the Atlantic discussed a book called, “Get Married,” and how the college-educated espouse alternative family types without actually embracing those alternatives themselves. Finish education. Establish career. Get married. Have kids. In that order.  Although those selfsame folks claim bastardizing children is no big deal, they themselves …