So Good to be So Right

2024.  Over already.  Good.  This has been one colostomy-bag filled year.

Met a face-tatted, poo-flinging monkey who completely derailed $$$ plans for the year, BUT but put a new roof on the home of the Elder, so the FDOs could have a solid covering.  There is that.

Had $11K (yes that is thousand) in vehicle repairs over less than a two-month period. 
Still recovering from that. 

Got confirmation from Half that Half and other half are in their respective singular financial boats, and there will be no alternate paddling.  That’s good to know, tho’, allows plans to be formed without other input, so there is a benefit to doing it all on one’s own, meguess.

theKid got kicked off theKid’s national team bc the BalSac that was the coach took issue with Half. 
It all works out tho’ … other players left the team behind that little stunt, so nose – spite face.  Oops.

A majority of ‘Murricans decided to instill a convicted felon and an adjudicated woman-diddler full of fascist dreams back into thee ultimate office of US power

BUT but …

Mr. Mangione fired the first retaliatory shot in the class war, and the parasites are twitching in their collective muck of greed and profiteering off human suffering. Nice.

Seems folks are already planning to make 2025 the year of the unconsumer. 

Lots of folks discussing online about re how not spending any money, gonna starve the capitalists, keep their monees home.

Good.  Liking that.

Only problem?  Big Daddy Gub’mint has designed the economy based on consumerism, and if there are no consumers, then the system predictably fails.

Saw a guy – smart guy, wise guy – who explained orchestrated national spending on a monthly basis …

              January = NYsE parties, gym memberships
                             February = Valentine’s Day, flowers, gifts for the wimmins
                                           March = St. Patrick’s Day, drinking, funny hats
                                                          April = Refund checks, go buy something, anything
                                                                        May = Memorial Day, drinking, travel
                                                                                      June = Summer, go play and spend
                                                                                                     July = the Fourth, drinking, fireworks
              August = Back to school
                             September = Labor Day, drinking, picnics, travel
                                           October = Halloween, costumes, parties
                                                          November = Thanksgiving
                                                                        December = Christmas, Hanukah, holiday parties, presents

Ad nauseum, ad infinitum … nice.


Folks seem to be waking up to the ruse, maybe stop buying for the sole purpose of spending.

Shopping is not a hobby.

GOD told me a long, long time ago … don’t spend … and if spend, do it wisely.  {Psalm 143:10}

Funny how HIS advice still and always works …
              … almost as if HE were the Creator of all things, now and forever.

Don’t ever wonder. 

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