Griselda Blanco was the consummate Boss Bae in the late 80’s, early 90’s, turned Miami into the ultimate capital for booger sugar and bloodbaths. Rumor has it after being deported back to Medellín she was gunned down – get this – outside a butcher shop. Heh.
GOD does like His irony. {Isaiah 3:11}
Apparently, just recently an aspiring queenpin (“Trap Queen Granny” [HA!!]) from Silicon Valley was busy building a fentanyl&assorted opiates empire from the offices of the San Jose Police Officers Assn (oops) while working as an exec and made deals via her official office working with/for the cops.
When caught she blamed it on the help … said the housekeeper had access to all her contact info and was the one doing the dirt but eventually confessed. So not hot.
Funny enough? No jail time. Bragged about it. Following her confession, she got three years’ probation, some community service, claims she did for the drug (as an addict) and not the money (as a dealer). Yahrite.
Back in 2013 a 16-year-old managed to kill four people while driving drunk. About a year earlier, police caught him in his truck with open containers – beer, vodka – along with a drunk and naked 14-year-old girl. He pled guilty for the vehicular homicides (good on him) but the justification used for light sentencing? “Affluenza,” or being so rich he could not understand there were consequences to his actions. His penalty? Probation = 10 years. Service = rehab. (Fun little factoid: He did not want to do even that … his mom helped him flee to Mexico.)
After running from the law, he was eventually sentenced to jail (not prison) time …
… six months / 180 days for each person he killed, for a total of 720 days, slightly less than 2 years.
The Orange Menace attempted a coup and fomented his worshippers to storm the Capitol, totes OK with calls to hang his VP. Later elected president as a convicted felon and is currently working real, real hard to dismantle the government he was hired to lead.
Oh! And pardoned all the insurrectionists who stormed on his behalf.
No fan of Nobama … but imagine if he had the same street cred as the Felon in Chief …
… had “encouraged” his supporters to take similar actions had he lost to Romney in ‘12.
Methinks Billie Holiday’s “Strange Fruit” would have gotten a remix.
Oh! And don’t forget … the 25-year-old elonbot helping to dismantle the Gub’mint made some really nasty twits … with references such as “real black jobs” and “normalize Indian hate” … got defended by the Veep w/an aforesaid Indian wife … and after resigning was welcomed back into the bitter fold.
But the Grinning Stain was escorted from the building upon commenting upon the lack of intellect and ambition of the typical horseman …
Eric Garner.
Crime = Selling untaxed cigarettes.
Penalty = Choked to death in the street by the police. No trial.
Breonna Taylor.
Crime = none. Or maybe, being asleep in her house.
Penalty = Shot to death in bed by the police. No trial.
Trayvon Martin.
Crime = none. Or maybe, walking.
Penalty = Shot to death by the neighborhood watch. No trial.
Sonia Massey.
Crime = calling police for help.
Penalty = Shot to death in her kitchen by the police … after rebuking him as the devil.
George Floyd.
‘Nuff said. Still have not seen that video. No plans, either.
Do we see a bit of a pattern? After the ’24 election, social media reports the Ice Cream Social is taking a step back, letting others run this race. After 400 years, methinks the Ice Cream Social is well-overdue and entirely entitled to sit this one out.
Funnily enough, horsewomen and Ameriginals are feeling some type of way about that … seems that the 92% did not show up for a women’s march in DC, and ICE running rampant in churches, schools, and hospitals with nary a typical outraged peep from those usually on the racial frontlines.
Hmmm … wonder if a seismic social shift is happening … if the Ice Cream Social is finally taking the hint, that that debt will never be repaid, and have begun dancing to the tune of minding one’s own business and tending one’s own affairs, rather than Atlasing the burden of a recalcitrant, unrepentant nation …
Interesting times, indeed. Who is John Galt? Me suspects he bears an epic fro.