Dancing On the Grave of the World

Over here?  Big fan of the apocalypse.  Means JESUS will return, bring in a new Heaven and a new Earth.
{Revelation 21:1}

And that’s a good thing.

Only real hard part is getting from here … to there.  But the Orange Menace 2.0 seems to be crossing that river jes’fiyn.

During a not-too-distant interview Georgia (oh, Georgia) Rethuglican Rich McCormick – expressing his support for the federal funding freeze – suggested that kids who rely on school lunches as their only meal of the day should go get jobs in fast food, or maybe a paper route.  Perhaps they could collect cans for recycling, like the homeless, feed themselves that way.

OK so we are now at the point where denying children food is acceptable behavior under current federal policy.  Melikes it!  Hastens the inevitable doom.  Debt to decency?  Unpaid and discharged.

Government-assisted housing?  Limited to two years.  Then what?  Oh!  Homelessness.  Which will likely be criminalized (vagrancy laws were used to keep the Ice Cream Social in veritable chains throughout the South post-Civil War) and the kids will go into foster care (statistically resulting in [a] homelessness or [b] criminality) and thus more fodder for the prison/military industrial pipeline. 


Only real question … what’s the endgame?  Half suggested that it is to throw the entire nation (if not the world) into chaos then sit atop the ashes and lord over the dead. 

Seems reasonable. 

Somewhere around these parts there is mention of the Nihilism Party.  Slogan:  It End With Us.

Anti-Natalism / Extinction by attrition as a PAC.  Melikes.

Babylon is falling.  {Revelation 18:2-13}

Do feel bad for the Millennials and the Gen Zs and the Gen Alphas …
              … theKid (all the kids!!!) deserves better. 


We are all a product of our parents’ mistakes, good and ill, and nobody … at no time … nowhere … asked to be born.  If the unborn could get a preview mesuspect there would be many, many more miscarriages. 

My suggestion?  Self-imposed baby bust for the next four years. 
Keep an aspirin between those knees ladies, and learn to knit. 

The homeless need scarves, hats, booties, and gloves.

It’s cold out here.

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