Along Came a Spider

Once I ate/drank a spider.

Aside from being entirely horrifying it actually wasn’t all that bad.


Anyways, there’s some news going around about the Celtics head coach banging the wife of a Celtics exec. 

Not.  A smart move.  Unlicensed whoobanging with (one of) the boss’s wife?  And you thought maybe you wouldn’t get fired?

Actually, his situation is markedly worse.  Indefinite suspension, at partial pay.  Here: put on this leash.

My understanding is he’s free to resign, but … it’s a bad look, and where would he find a job?  Not like there is a glut of NBA head coaching positions listed on Indeed, or LinkedIn.

Sometimes really smart people do stupid things, but mostly stupid people get caught doing the dumbest stuff.  {Prov. 26:11}

But then again, there is the question of fairness.  If he was … disciplined for having a consensual workplace relationship that violated company rules, shouldn’t she be disciplined as well? 

I know I’m late to the party (was I even invited?  Got lost in the mail) but it seems that folks are kneejerking their reactions to the situation so hard they’re hitting themselves in the mouth. 
Case in point:  Malika Andrews, who made the point of deriding the interim head coach of the Celtics based on some youthful indiscretions while simultaneously walking back those same comments right after she made them. Who hurt you?

Methinks much of her to do about nothing is that she has been harassed in a working environment, but someone with some experience/exposure to that type of behavior suggested that TRIGGAH only a certain type of woman gets treated that way … the kind that men (and some women) see as prey. 

And I have to ask … how many women have used their attractiveness to gain an advantage over uglier chicks?  An additional button undone … a slightly higher skirt slit … mega-stilettos with bloody bottoms … careful reapplication of lip gloss right before contract negotiations … I’m not knocking it / use your weapons wisely / but to use sex as a tool then complain when it’s used as a cudgel seems … hypocritical.

But then, we are talking about women, to whom and for whom most of which accountability is like a viral disease … usually avoidable, but once caught … like a fly in a web. 

Women truly have no idea.  If men took a vote and decided to turn women into breeding chattel (see: Texas), consider it done.

During a random conversation, a woman complained that women had it (“it” being “life”) much harder than men … puberty, boobs, periods, mean girls, pregnancy/birth/breastfeeding, menopause, etc.
The man simply responded that men had to deal with women.

MGTOW has a point, and is the death of civilization. 

Atlas is doing the griddy.