Land of the Special, Magical Snowflake

Read an article the other day (really, really should stop doing that) about this mom of a transgender teen identifying as female (hereinafter referred to as “Tif”) who was … chagrined and bereft that the world did not conform to her child’s gender dysfunction. 

If you (Other Person, You) haven’t been paying attention (and why would you), in many states boys must play with boys, and girls must play with girls, albeit in a purely phys ed. sense.  As it should be.

Conflict enters the room when special, magical snowflakes (see: Tif) want to play with the girls when Tif was born an actual boy but experienced some sort of mental issue whereby Tif believes/feels/imagines Tif’s insides don’t match Tif’s outsides, and Tif and Tif’s whole family (well, mom) want Tif to be seen/accepted/treated as the insides when the outsides tell an entirely different story.

Newsflash:  no one really cares about Tif’s issue until Tif makes it an issue for everyone else.
(See: sports, bathrooms, spas … any traditionally safe space for women now interloped by … well, transgender person who identify as female … see, again: “Tif”)

In our Age of Mis/Dis/Twist-information, do we no longer owe any debt to truth, reality, or fact?

“This is my truth.”  Translation:  Makes no sense but don’t question it.

“Reality is a myth.”  Translation:  Actuality is uncomfortable; change the subject.

“Facts don’t matter; feelings do.”  Translation:  Blah-blah.  Neener-neener.  Pook-kah.  Pook-kah. 

Oh and not too long ago in a rural county/city? place in California there’s a video (Hello!  TIKTOK) wherein members of the high school football team are seen holding a slave auction with the few non-white (read: black) students standing against a wall in their underwear and the white (read: white) students threw money at them and called out amounts.

Really?  Yes, really.  And in 2022 / three months’ out from 2023 … heavens {Rev. 6:2} … guess it will end with the End. 

What in the true blue hell is wrong with people? Oh wait, I know — people.
“Lord, the world beyond ready, and yet still not ready enough.” (Sigh.)

In the meantime, the zookeepers appear to have cleaned up their mess, stopped fraternizing with the livestock, and my gruesome monkey is back on its regular diet … only all of 2023 to go!