Failures of the Modern Age

One of my monkeys is being fed a very strict, very regimented diet … same feeding time, portions are weighed and measured before serving … the entire process is actually automatic, so I don’t have to look at that monkey anymore because it disgusts me.

The plan was to feed that monkey its minimums on schedule so it could go on ahead and starve to death and wither away nicely.

What was that again?  Men plan and GOD laughs and laughs and laughs …  {Psalms 37:13}

Turns out, the zookeeper commissioned to feed this monkey decided to, well, have intimate relations with farm animals and then defecate amongst the hay. 

Stupid zookeeper.

In actual English … turns out, the bank making the autopays to satisfy this particular debt had a … glitch in its matrix and the payments either didn’t get made or the funds weren’t transferred or the account wasn’t debited so now … gotta go look at that monkey.

Don’t like that monkey.

That monkey smells, and threw poo on me. 

BUT, however, nevertheless, despite … it is my monkey, and still I must feed it, less it chews off my face, eats my fingers, and digests my balls, as it were. 

How very droll. 

Completely related but did you see her face transplant didn’t take?  How much does that suck?  But maybe not really because she is blind so she can’t see the failure of modern medicine … after all, they do call it the practice of medicine, like they’re still working out the details until they can get it right.

Not.  Kind of like the practice of law … what other profession(s) get paid to try things out, see if they actually work?  We don’t have the practice of engineering or the practice of architecture.

Heh.  Must be nice.

Kind of like computers.  Humans are expected/anticipated/encouraged to trust these automated, automatic systems with all these artificial, man-devised smarts and then the darn things suffer a meltdown and then … queue LifeLock. 

Funny (not really) — there is a thing called identity restoration insurance, for when your personal identity sold on the web gets sold to the wrong folks. 

100 years ago, just had to protect against floods, and fires, and, like, death.

Now?  A person’s habits, practices, and history is commoditized and up for sale, and therefore can now be stolen.  Like shoes from a fancy party (I see you, Carrie Bradshaw—what a moronic show, so irrationally popular, and Samantha was the most honest of the four/go figure … Miranda should have terminated and spared Steve the pain of dealing with her but digress)

I do not have/will not pay for LifeLock or identity theft insurance or any more of the fleecing of the American sheep because … well, because methinks we are irritated by the entire Ponzi scheme of American capitalism.

I’m supposed/expected to check theKid’s credit report for theft, and theKid doesn’t even have a job, apart from classwork and sports practice and navigating life with me as a parent and now have to concern theKid/me&myself with the possibility of someone stealing an identity that isn’t even fully formed.

What the nutz?  The Masters of Mankind need a muzzle.  For realz. 

Guess the whole point of that exercise was still gotta look at the monkey, particularly when I don’t like what I see.

Must pay attention, constantly.

I don’t know these people, but an incident involving these folks caused enough of a news burp to give me mental indigestion (heh but not really) … seems that, a … rapper? influencer? personality of pop culture? was enjoying a meal with the woman not good enough to be his wife but upon whom he’d bred some children (that’s “baby mama” to those in the cheap seats) and she decided to post their actual, real-time location with some pics on social media (Can you say “clout-chaser”?  Anyone?  Anyone?  I knew you could!) and he would up getting shot and killed for her stupidity … and his, apparently, for being with a woman not worthy to wife but adequate to breed. 

Now again, I don’t know these people, but from all appearances both were fairly trite … he, for wearing eleventy-hundred of thousands in jewelry … to eat chicken&waffles? as opposed to attending an awards show or performing in a video shoot, and she, for, well, being a foolish woman (is that redundant?  Methinks that’s redundant … carrying on) but, more importantly, they both were symbols of the age … life on display, look at me—no, over here—constantly seeking the validation of strangers to click on their crap for amusement and, possibly, likely, envy.

The point?  Seems like the more we try to pimp technology, the harder it pimpslaps us. 

What was that again?  What did GOD tell us about HIS return?  Something about lovers of selves? 

Must pay attention, always.  {James 5:8}