Bodes for Thee, Not He

Had a ferret once.

Lovely creature, quirky … odd bodied.  Never chewed off my nose.

Used to make oily, musky poops if fed non-ferret food.

If Half dies/leaves, might get another.  Excellent pet.

Speaking of oily, musky poops why has Elon Musk not been cancelled?

Seems we live in the age of accountability for all things ever done (see: Jerry Jones … really people?) and Musk is the — and this is not my word tho’ I t’wished it t’were — “scion” of a wealthy South African bloodline that stole its legacy via the mining of jewels (read: all bad, all time) with a long and documented history of basically being a racist racist who gleefully racisms … so why is he still a thing?

At least Jerry Jones was a product of his era, and he’s almost 100 years old.  Historically overall, white people have generally been problematic for the nonwhites of the nation, and the South?  Specifically: Arkansas?  Really people?  At least his quarterback is half not white, so there’s some progress, there. 

Still waiting on that head coach, tho’.

And why no Asians? We need some Asians. There should be a movement. Digress

OMP has no similar excuse.  Tesla cars (talk about a backhanded bishslap … Nikola Tesla was the man … this guy?  Not so much) have committed automotive hari-kari with the actual living screaming to their deaths (shudder no thanks … I can drive my own car … preferably a ’75 K5 thankyouverymuch) and the fustercluck that is his Twitter takeover (“chief twit” indeed … that word does not mean what I think he thinks it means but in his case p’raps so) so why has he not been cancelled?

Jack Dorsey should be ashamed of himself.  Hopefully he has the decency to be.

Read an unfunny story about nonwhite people (read: black) at his factory in Fremont, CA being for real for real called the n-word (and I don’t mean “nice”) to their faces and given the worst, hardest, hottest, worstest jobs in the plant, with little (read: no) opportunities for advancement.

21st century plantation?  Anyone?  Anyone?  [crickets]
At least there are no whips … or am I assuming too much?

Remember: it all rolls downhill, and everyone is the sum of their origins … just saying.

Anyhoo there was a lawsuit and a settlement and an official statement and the whole mess faded into the innernets but he seems like an all-around horrible person like oily, musky poops bad and yet … he is still is.

Also he apparently mocked his black Twitter employees for … reasons.  What a guy.

Does cancel culture just pick and choose who is worthy of being cancelled, and who is not? 
Seems a bit … hypocritical. The irony is peak.

No one, ever, never, should buy a Tesla.  Under any circumstances.  For any reason. 
They kill people, they are overhyped, ridiculously expensive, and not the best choice for an EV.

At this point, methinks it’s a just status symbol.  Altho’ a Prius is a similar/better option, not as pricey, and definitely nowhere near as sexy … more the vehicular embodiment of tofu, hummus, and soy. 

So, in one sense, I get it.  Yes — sexier.  Yes — pricier.  Yes — look@me-eier.  But still.   Do better. 

Because apparently, OMP won’t/can’t/refuses, thus he and his overpopulated brood should be impoverished and moved back to Africa to mine jewels.  {Matthew 19:24; Mark 10:25; Luke 18:25}

Cancel that.