Moderately Moderate in Moderation

Briefly perused (wat? “pear”? “yoused”? ENGLISHMAKESNOSENSE) an article about how to shop for the holidays without breaking the budget (that’s ‘cuz budgets don’t work and waste my time) and suggested that folks plan ahead, make a list of gift-receivers, decide the gift, then shop for sales. 

Oh, wait.  That sounds like a SPENDING PLAN.

See?  Even without using the words the concept remains the same … and budgets still don’t work, so there.

Anyhoo, already kicked that notion out into the snow.  Bought what bought, rational spending choices to the moon, I say.  theKid will have a nice holiday.  With $200 slides

Which brings me to my point.

Being fat is just like being in debt.



And like budgets don’t work, neither do diets.  Gotta have an eating plan, of sorts.

Saw a video (had some fitness guru head) that explained losing weight is 20-percent exercise, moving the bod, and 80-percent diet, what goes in the bod. 

I was enjoying my 20, and gave no zero zilch nada bupkis thought to the 80 … which is prolly why still fat.

But firm.

So, like thinking before spending (don’t spend) now considering before eating (but gotta eat) … got on a food plan.

Trying to keep it around 1000 calories a day, snacking, gnoshing, but on smarter stuff … instead of cupcakes and beer, we’ll have a carrot.  With ranch dressing, of course, but still a carrot.

Rather than scarfing down the entire candy bar, just have half, and save the other bit in the freezer for later (so sorry, but chocolate is life)

Boiled eggs are great, except for the noxious fanny smells (the fam so loves that … I have an egg in my pocket) but keeps the hunger at bay, and gives up some protein.

For breakfast, used to have two-three eggs, with shredded ham and chives (mmmm, chives …), a bagel with cream cheese (mmm, onion & chives …), and grapefruit with a healthy cup, cup and ½ of sugar … now, a boiled egg, some oatmeal, and a teaspoon (or three, not gonna lie) of sugar, and I’m good for the better part of the day.

Same with the spending.  I know what I have to spend and have a plan to spend it.

Already, the debt has come way down.  The monkeys are still flinging poo, but the chunks are smaller, less wet, and not quite as sticky.  Def an improvement.

So, all things in moderation.  {1 Corinthians 9:25

GOD got us on that, too.