One More for the Road

Truck died.  While driving.  Limped right on off to the side of the road/shopping plaza parking lot.

She told me she was having problems … I was listening, just not hard/quickly enough.

Started glaring at me from the dashboard with those belligerent and hostile red eyes.

Now, Truck has many issues … she’s an old woman, ridden hard and put away wet (ewww, that was not what was intended but it reads good so there) so issues are to be expected.

Still.  Cheaper to keep her.  To the tune of $500.  Not mad at that at all.

The worse part was where she died.  Driving along the street, on the way to the truckdoc, she just said “No” and sat her bad self right on down.  Half was driving behind me, said the lights looked funny right before Truck declined all further independent mobility.

But Half had somewhere to be with theKid, and thus I was abandoned (but not discarded … they came back) in a parking lot while I waited – patiently, oh so patiently – for the tow truck.

About 3½ hours of patience.

Yah, weather, understaffing, many apologies for the delay. 

The first tow truck driver was very apologetic because dispatch sent the wrong type of tow truck (after the first 90 minutes) ‘cuz Truck is 4WD (of course she is!) and customers can’t actually talk to a person in dispatch because dispatch is an app and apps don’t have feelings or commiseration or soothing words.  Just screentime and empty promises of ETA.

Which is fine.  Because I got to contemplate.  GOD gives us exactly what we need when we need it. 
As long as we ask.

I had big plans for that night, lots to do, many worries about the day to come and GOD said: 
“I got it.  Sit here, be quiet and be still, and all will be well.”  {Hebrews 13:5}

And it was. 

Now, in the moment, I had to fume and seethe and grit, get all that out of my system until I remembered/realized … it all happens for a reason.  There was a lesson I had to learn.  Which was …

… don’t have to do it all, by myself.  I can let some stuff go, and it will work out just fine without me.

Brief backstory:  as you know (or maybe not … dunno what you know) because I am WFH I get to do all theKid stuff for school – that’s (one of my many) jobs around the homefront – and theKid was having some sort of classroom festivity before holiday break. 

Now, I have a strict policy of not volunteering unless I am volunteered and theKid wanted me to do something because I hadn’t before so I agreed to bring food.  But because vast amounts of hot food are hard to come by at 9:00am (party time) I needed to secure said hot food the night before, reheat the morning of, then deliver timely to said function. 

Which worked out jes’fahn, 3½ hours of patient truck-sitting notwithstanding.

Watched “Leave the World Behind” on the Flix of Net a little while ago, and yes predictive programming is very real.  Kinda wonder if I even want to survive that first collapse, ‘cause it’s just going to get more and more ugly as more and more time passes without the reinstitution of civilized(ha!) order. 

And it’s becoming more and more likely that the Trumpiots will have their say and their man back in the White House next year.  Just saying. 

Because the CryptKeeper and his HalfNot do not inspire confidence.  Nope, not at all.

Anyhoots, back to the movie … over the last 500-600 years, absolutely every other single group of humans on the planet has been negatively impacted, in some way, by the greed, sloth, and deception of the Horsemen.  And folks are all karened about a line in a movie. 

Truthfully?  It is unwise to do so, and act at one’s own peril. 

Kevin Bacon was easily the most honest thing in the movie, altho’ why he would accept cash for meds was a bit of chink (thass ray-sisss! no it isn’t) in the plot armor.

Cash has the value people believe it has.  Once organized gov’t fails that belief will wane, and the dollar will thus become mere itchy toilet paper (which might explain the pandemic crush for the stuff, but digress) so not sure why a prepper would take cash (paper) in exchange for medicine (cure).

But whatevs. 

The point being … what was my point? oh right there it is … Whether it’s waiting the equivalent of a Ken Burns’ doc for a tow truck or the collapse of civilized society, everything will always be all right. 

So, no fear.  Only patience, and faith, and the latter will increase the former.
