Cognitive Dissonance, or If Everything Is Better Why Does It All Suck?

Gleaned an article re the strong job market, low unemployment, boundless opportunities, Wall Street on record highs (booger shooger will do that).

Aaaannnndddd then there’s another article re how tech workers of FANG – Facebook, Amazon, NetFlix, Google – are experiencing layoffs, unable to find work, living on credit cards and out of their cars, advised to sell bodily fluids and other personal belongings to survive to the next employment.

So much for the social contract.  Get a job, pay your taxes, breed, die. 

Well, the dying part, at least, is covered.  Gotta do that.  That, and taxes.  How fun. 

Now, my job ain’t great, great but trustbelieve am very glad to have it.  Thankful, even.  Counting blessings and all that.

Had a recent conversation with theKid re AI and terminators/humanoid robots and the likely societal impact.

May have mentioned theKid is likely clinically depressed.  And no wonder. 


Tried to explain/encourage that theKid is actually in a pretty good place, because theKid can see it coming.  The changes to the economy and nascent working environments, necessary skill sets and advanced learning … theKid is out in front of all that, and can plan – a little bit – for the future. 

Step in front of the bullet, as it were.

Tried to explain to theKid that theKid’s parents would basically be doomed if tried to enter the employee marketplace at this stage of life … old dog / new tricks, hello to Noem’s gravel pit.


Altman, one of the many babydaddies of AI, said it best (paraphrasing a bit):  AI will likely result in the end of humanity but there’s lots of money to be made before the end, so hop on! 

Doggorobots in China are already armed and patrolling the streets.  Nice.

Read a (fiction?) novel a while back re one of my favorite protags Peter Ash (author Nick Petrie – check him out / or not) and a white hat hacker/techwizard and a supervillain for modern times Musky-oily funk-like who had stolen the white hat’s tech (hmmm, smelling like art imitates life, but whatevs) and used it to create an entire army of robot warrior/servants who could be controlled via voice commands. 

Yeh, we’re doomed.  But some are gonna make a lotta money!!! {2 Timothy 6:10}

Better never allow me access to a time machine, ‘cos I’m bishslapping Eve. 

Stay away from the d@mn tree.