Raw Selfish

HA!  No sympathy.  Nada.  None.  Zilch.  Nyet.

Hate to break it to you ladies, but you created your own creature, built your own beast. 

Made your own monster.

To an individual, the audience heard the exact same thing:

“I want …”  “I wanted …”  “I just had to have …”  There was never a need, only … covetousness. 
{2 Corinthians 8:12}

Ever consider that one’s life choices might necessitate sacrifice? 
Or that childlessness is the debt to be paid for personal decisions?

Member of the Pride community in a prideful relationship?  Guess you don’t get.
Husband infertile with the snip-snip?  Guess you don’t get.
Single unmarried / Φ SMV?  Guess you don’t get.

But instead it’s “No, no, no … because I want, therefore I should have.”

And each and every single problem was the exact result of that.

Jonathan Jacob Meijer reached his pregnancy quota in most European countries.

Guy is jerking off into a cup in a public bathroom, but the women say OK. 

Watched a documentary on the Flix of the Net – “The Man with 1000 Kids” – that had me alternate between laughing out loud and shouting at the screen.

Anyhoo, so, here’s the deal … lesbians, singles, infertiles and/or inables used this guy’s donor soldiers to make babies … “because I want.”

And some went through a clinic, some had “private donations,” others used the natural method (absolutely no irony there, none, nada, zilch, nyet) but each and every chose this guy to be the father of their children because he was blond and cute and charismatic.  And each and every was very careful to refer to him as their “donor” but he is the collective kids’ “father” regardless.  More on that later.

Anyhoo, this guy lied and told each … breeder … that he had only … served … somewhere between three and five families, and that this … breeder … would be the third or final or whatever.

The reality?  Dude donated his seed to 11 clinics throughout the Netherlands … as well as several international sperm banks … as well as an untold/unknown number of “private” donations.  HA!  This is rich, and so is he … with children numbering between 500 and 3,000 for whom he never has to pay support or buy presents or even know exist.  Mega donor / super PAC has a whole, new meaning – HA!!

He “might” be a member of a particular group tucked away on a certain continent … one juice bucket said he wanted to “bleach Africa” with his “glorious white seed.”  Ha-HA! – good luck with that.  Genes still recessive within a dominant genetic population / sugar … you’re getting bred out in one or two generations, sorry not sorry.  But digress.

So he lied.  So what.  Too bad so sad each and every caused the problem by not accepting their circumstances and chose “I want,” there was never need.  Never “I will die if I do not have/get.” 
Just pure, unfiltered baby greed. 

Contrast?  Half and other half were ancient when theKid arrived … but prior to, both agreed that if GOD didn’t send us a one there would be no frankenbabies, would simply accept that parenthood wasn’t part of the life plan and just keep living from there.  Done.

Here you have women who, for whatever reason but typically resulting from freedom of will, cannot produce biological children in their respective relationships or via parthenogenesis and therefore seek outside help.

And got mad that their donor seed had “helped” so very many others.  HA! 
Mankind believing we can play GOD, again gets played.  Bah-dah-bop-bop-baaaahhhh.

Got so mad that they sued.  Of course they did. 

The argument?  Found some lawyer who used some nebulous, arbitrary, interpretive, dusty throwaway statute of JJM’s megabreeding being “an unlawful act” because it violates “someone else’s right” …

To what?  Why avoid accidental incest, of course – HA!! 

Here right in the perfection that is the good ol’ YouEssuhAaayyy there is proof (didn’t think 23AndMe would be taken so literally) fertility docs in Indiana, Vermont, New York and Virginia have impregnated patients with their own sperm.  Oops. 

Anyhoo, the breeders ending up taking their donor to trial at the Hague to prevent him from procreating … or, at least, donating sperm.  He argued that there was no real harm to his offspring having umptillion half-siblings because they could just use S&M markers ID’ing them as donor seed, rather than actual daddy squirt. 

Which they will likely have to do because they are already here … maybe being a frankenbaby will be the new status symbol, like a Frenchie.  Or a Birkin.  Tinder needs a new category.

Hey.  No big deal.  It is guesstimated that Genghis Khan, too, sired around 1,000, and his kids are all right, about half a percentage of the world’s population, and he had to conquer lands stretching from the Mediterranean to the Pacific.  After all that guess he … had it coming (aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh …).

Inbreeding is good enough for royalty, why not for plebes as well?

Ewww.  Well, there is that.

Apparently, this story gets even blonder. 

Apparently, Johnny the Boy and his buddy created the website used by these … breeders … to obtain the human seed, the milk of man, that tangy baby juice.  And while there were multiple donors listed on their website, all other the candidates were fake … these two were the only two options.  Oops.

And to make it even more blond … these buddies had a deal going to “maximize their offspring.”  That is, they would combine their ejaculate in a single specimen cup and pass it along to the breeders … oops.  Just a little sperm roulette … ouch.

Anyhoo, the judge (a woman, predictably) ruled against JJM, told him to stop milking himself and handing his manjuice to breeders, although nothing in her ruling prevented him from reproducing in a relationship. 

JJM is likely the first man in history whose bodily autonomy has been restricted by a court of law.  

Should have had a male judge.  Too bad he didn’t appeal.

Anyhoo, the harm the breeders claim will be experienced by their offspring is something called “genetic sexual attraction,” or the Luke&Leia complex.

Entitlement strong, it is. 

And nowhere is the discussion of just because you can do something, doesn’t necessarily mean you should.  None of the women gave a second thought to whether producing children in such a manner was a thoughtful, moral, or decent act, or even if the children would have wanted to be created in such a way.

If children are a gift and a blessing from GOD, why is man giving gifts he can ill afford?