As The World Watched

That was … bold.

Read an article about a year ago that officials in Paris were fighting a bedbug infestation
… a plague of insects, prr’haps?

To get things started, the city was battered by rain.  Like, sheets and buckets.  And it’s hot. 


During the opening ceremony of that global quadrennial pagan ritual, TIMs/TIFs, drag queens, and a guy flashing his balls attempted to, well … they imitated da Vinci’s “Last Supper” with jazzhands and bootyshorts.  It featured a landwhale bearing a crown of Isis.  Also had a child in their midst. 


Interestingly, there was a golden calf behind the choir, as well as a rider on a pale horse, being followed by the “world,” each nation bearing its flag.  


Then the power went out … the City of Lights went dark.  {Galatians 6:7}

Oops.  Everything everywhere all at once. 

Except for a church, on a hill.  Sacre Coeur Church, to be specific.

Zoltan Kaszas made jokes about being alive during the end times, how he thought it would be exciting and full of action … á la “Deep Impact.”

Methinks an E.L.E. would be less painful than what’s coming.
