Prodigal Fam

Half has promised to bring Halfself and theKid back next month.

It’s been awhile.

Methinks me be lying if me said sleeping in, occasionally fooding, hermitting and yon’midnight late-nights haven’t been nice … most def have.

A solitary creature does like its solitude.


Even Ted Kaczinski needed to reach out.  Jim Beam has a commercial tagline: 
“People Are Good For You.”

Dunno about that.  World is too peopley as it is … those images of cities on lockdown during the pandemic?  With the sky actually blue?  The view actually clear?

Milan, Italy / January 8, 2020
Flavio Lo Scalzo/Reuters
Milan, Italy / April 17, 2020
Flavio Lo Scalzo/Reuters
Grand Canal, Venice, Italy / January 6, 2018
Manuel Silvestri/Reuters
Grand Canal, Venice, Italy / April 17, 2020
Manuel Silvestri/Reuters
New Delhi, India – Yamuna River / March 21, 2018
Adnan Abidi/Reuters
New Delhi, India – Yamuna River / April 8, 2020 Adnan Abidi/Reuters
New Delhi, India – India Gate / October 17, 2019
Anushree Fadnavis/Adnan Abidi/Reuters
New Delhi, India – India Gate / April 8, 2020
Anushree Fadnavis/Adnan Abidi/Reuters
Los Angeles smog, California USA (the usual)
David McNew/Getty Images
San Gabriel Mtns, Los Angeles / April 14, 2020 David McNew/Getty Images

And the saddest part?  Took less than a month to clean the world with fewer people busy in it. 

We are definitely the problem. 

An unappreciated benefit of a global pandemic … who da thunk. 
We can pay our debt to the environment just by staying home.  RTO?  WTF.


People do need people, for good or ill. 

Maybe we take we for granted, which is why we are so nasty to each other.


We have always been nasty to each other,
              even when there were less of we,
                             even when life was so much more perilous than today.

But still. 

Despite the historical proof that, as a species, we trend towards hostility, we never seem to stop looking for each other. {Mark 12:31}

Haven’t watched it yet but saw a trailer for “After The End” … a young prepper survives after pretty much everyone else dies, finds a lone girl in the world, and then a small band of armed men find them.

Oops.  Why is it that in the Walking Dead pretty women were forced into Negan’s harem but he refused to allow them to be … ravished?  Seems somewhat self-evident to me … women will be commoditized when civilization fails.  Back to survival of the … fertilist.

Anyhoo, the ongoing effects of our collective post-planet disease seem to include another burgeoning epidemic, simmering right under the social surface. 

Folks are lonely … men, specifically / women, generally. 

Everybody is looking for someone but no one can find anybody.  Strange. 
Where are they?

Makes me all the more grateful for my better Half, and the miracle that is theKid.

Anyhoo, altho’ the Grinch is my … spirit Seuss … still miss my people, glad they’re coming home.