Gladiator Games?

So … men beating up on women is now considered sport.


Suppose Ike just needed boxing gloves.  Presumably bareknuckle is still taboo?

Silver lining, folks.  If a man is accused of DV, need only claim that it was mutual combat between women, coz in the moment … he identified as a woman.

What are we doing?

And then THEN the beaten woman had to apologize to the XY chrome that whupped her butt.

Heard she proclaimed “I’m sorry!” around a broken nose.  {Deuteronomy 22:5}

What are we doing?

Remembering the late, great Burt Reynolds in his heyday … nothing more alpha than Lewis in “Deliverance,” all wisecracks and pelt.  My goodness even with a busted leg methinks he still would’ve fought off Festus and Skeeter, no pig-squealin’ for him, no sir. 

Anyhoo, in a scene that would now garner an “R” rating and protests, Mr. Reynolds … mooshed … a woman in the face and sent her flying across the room, a whirl of taffeta and screech, with a smatter of whitetrash feet.  Gotta love it.

Yes, I laughed. 

Yes, I know I shouldn’t have … but I did.  Out loud.

Dunno why Bobby Boucher felt it was necessary to remake that classic, and was wholly, entirely, pointlessly unremarkable as Paul Crewe / Burt Reynolds ruined it for everyone / and it is noted that the smoosh scene was, predictably, omitted in the redux. 

Locking her in the closet somehow lacks that same panache.

Anyhoo, physically abusing women seems to be a-OK if filmed and on the global stage. 
Like porn. 

What are we doing?

Well, guess equal rights = equal lefts. 

Guess safe to assume feminism paid in full the debt of protection owed by men to women.

This is going to cost.