Ring on Time

Awhile ago recently (yes) I had come to the spiritual resolution to address my debt.  As part of that decision I contemplated next steps, and how to approach the creditors towards whom I had shown insufficient attention and respect … dined and dashed with my debt monkey, as it were. 

First thing – I couldn’t get over.  We live in an area heavily populated by Gomers&Dohs! and there is a left turn to take to the house.  For some reason, and very strangely, I was pinned behind a Gomer (perhaps a Doh!) and next to an industrial worktruck with trailer, and a wanderer (i.e., no place to go, no hurry to get there) in the right lane.  Really.  Trapped in the center lane, unable to merge left to turn left … the traffic seems to conspire against me (nooo-wwwuuuhhh, gooohhh thiiisss waaayyy) … and I’m forced to the next intersection before I can head east.

Delayed by about three minutes, as I pull up to the house my phone rings – ahhh, just happens to be an unfamiliar number, and I (who never) elect to answer. 

Well … well … well.  It’s a debt collector, and this person is the most chill, most namaste, most allgood human in that line of work have I ever … this person is yes and at your convenience and we can do that and when do you think and we have a plan for that and we look forward and thank you for being a customer and we appreciate your biz than I have ever experienced as a customer IN GOOD STANDING … WITHOUT A DEBT MONKEY COVERED IN POO … that ever have I never. 

Had I pearls, would I clutch.

What?  What is this magickz? 

It is almost as if this person is selling me the idea of getting debt right … actually said the words, “It’s a deal.”

Why, it’s almost as if GOD! heard my prayer for help and said, “Here.”  {Prov. 3:5-6}

Also, I suppose so many people are getting crushed under the weight of debt that shaming – that ole tried and tru – doesn’t work the way it used to, and creditors are adopting a more collaborative approach to the mil-ee-yons and mil-ee-yons who owe them mil-ee-yons and mil-ee-yons …

How refreshing.  And thank you for not chastising me.  I know I screwed up / I see the bill every month.

Now, I just need some assistance getting it right. I appreciate the help. [grins stoopitly]