A Riddle, Wrapped in Mystery, Swaddled with Enigma, Excreting WTF

OK so the Elder has a brand-new roof … hopefully it won’t leak.

Wasn’t planning on a new roof … no spending plan for a new roof … but got one, anyway.

After discovering black mold and dry rot, the face-tatted monkey hump that is this person managed to get more $$$ from me than ever anticipated, and … there’s a new roof.  Unpermitted, installed by poo-flinging chimps.

Whelp, officially over it. 

Still hasn’t fixed the ceiling(s), and now there is trash all over the property.

What is this?  Have I done something to offend? 

BUT … but.  {2 Corin. 12:10}

Life is a test of faith.

And for faith test #27430947 … face-tatted monkey hump “finished” the roof and then immediately ripped out the front window before any conversation about separating our ways and distancing our paths.

Methinks me smell a crook.  Ya think?  Ya, methink.

The hustle?  Damage the house then ask for cash to fix it.  “Oh can’t do it / need to pay the other chimps first.”


Good thing?  Familially-inclined occupiers are understanding, patient, and kind, working with so problem doesn’t magnify into the unmanageable.

But this needs to be done.