Poo-Flinging, Face-Tatted, Club-Footed Monkey

OK not mad, exactly.  Just perplexed.  A bit irritated.  Confused, as to this.

OK so there are not one but two two holes in the ceiling … one of which due to gross negligence, the other to … idiocy?  Morons moving through the world?  Stupidity just strutting about?

Yah, methinks so.

OK so face-tatted “guy” ripped the roof off Elder’s home.  Not all at once, mind you, but rather one shingle at a time (“oh look what I found / gotta replace this too / only be ‘nother coupla $,000s”)

After ripping off the aforesaid roof, and prior to replacing aforesaid roof, it rained.

And after ripping off the aforesaid roof and prior to replacing aforesaid roof, face-tatted “guy” failed to secure protection atop aforesaid roof and … massive (but not quite catastrophic) leakage, like raining around light fixtures within Elder’s house, where familial tenants therein reside.

This is great.

The ceiling collapsed.  Attic dirt, insulation, and drywall all over the floor, carpet, and furniture.


So glad that happened.

OH wait!  There’s more.  As mentioned above …

Face-tatted “guy” had a crew of misfits working on Elder’s house, and one of those misfits somehow stomped(?…!) through the roof on Elder’s house and punched a hole right into the room.

Blue sky from inside, straight up and sans window.  Brand new skylight, no installation needed.



Screaming, shouting, foaming about the lips will not aid in the resolution of this mess.

At this point just much gritting of teeth, face in a rictus of disappointment and well-contained fury.

Coz not mad, exactly.  {Colossians 3:13}

Elder’s house remains in dishabilly and incomplete. 
At this point just want face-tatted “guy” and his club-footed misfits to be done and get gone.

Meanwhile, the charges continue. 

Prior to face-tatted “guy,” was in pretty good financial shape … monkeys were well-caged and regularly fed in steadily decreasing amounts. 


This monkey is a real chimp, bonobo-level primate.

Solace?  Everything happens for a reason, and just hoping this season ends soon, and without a plague of locusts or blood out of the faucets.

And … just to butter the turd, had to add a monkey to the credit circus.

Gah.  Sigh