Face-tatted Monkey

Not sure what’s going on here.

OK, so:  backstory.

The Elder has brain disease and a house. 
Can’t do much about the worms invading the skullbox but the house is a can-do, methought.

Got some familial tenants residing, keeping eyes on things … good for them, good for all.


House needs some TLC … nothing major (methought), just some cracks patched, a window repaired(?)/replaced(?)/sealed(?), a few minor tiddles.

Hire a “guy.”

“Guy” seems decent, notwithstanding the face tats.  HEY!  Judge not …

So should have.

Anyhoo, face-tatted “guy” says way more needs to be done, quotes quite few bananas, tell face-tatted “guy” not trying to feed a monkey like that right now.

Face-tatted “guy” claims he can do a bit o’work for a decent price.

Methinks/says:  “OK.  Do that for that.”

Face-tatted “guy” has thus far then proceeded to rip the entire roof off Elder’s house (with familial tenants currently in-residence) and claims “only a few more bananas” for this monkey.

“A few bananas” is now an entire bunch, and full of spiders.

Was not planning for/on this.

Hmmm … scam-much?

Perhaps the face tats should have been a warning? May be haps?


Prayed on it {Psalms 34:4} and circumstances dictate move forward.

Eeeeeeeee … [cringe/shoulder-hunch/mouth in rictus]. 

More to come?