Eat THIS! #2, or … FoodPots No. 1

Another approach to sustaining life with minimal expense is a potmess of food.  As a single dish, throw in some meat, maybe veggies/probably not, pasta or rice, a sauce … white/cheesy, red/spaghetti-y, gravypack&water … ovenbake or stovecook … feeds the whole family … daily food=fuel problem=done. 

Half will usually just shovel it in, or forego if it’s really gross. 

TheKid usually doesn’t like it but hunger seasons every dish.  Or I’ll make fries.

Adults can not eat and it’s a diet.  Fail to feed theKid and it’s neglect.  So unfair. 
TheKid said theKid wanted candy!  Drank milk. 

SO!  Without further ado (more ado, always ado) …

FoodPot #1, or Spaghetti with Meat

Pasta … spaghetti is the point, but you do you

Boil the spaghetti in a big pot. 

OH got another one … pots and pans and dishes — stuff to put food in = thrift&donate stores. 
Clean good first because people gross … generous, but gross. 

Sauce … any kind in the glass jar is good, long as it’s red and has little green flecks of flavors

Ground meat … I/we have a preference for beef, some like turkey but they are wrong

Onion – white or yellow works, red is for sammiches … chop as much as good, small bits, confetti-sized

Garlic … mmm, garlic.  All the garlic.  Get the bulb kind and crush that bish.  Take off the skin (garlic flayer?) first, get down to the smooth yellow, bean-looking thing, and chop that (or many thats) smaller than the onion

Olive oil … sounds fancy but usually right next to … all the oils

Seasonings … as before hunger helps, with a little added salt, pepper, red pepper (spicy!), oregano (fancy!) … Feeling adventurous?  Garlic … powder … onion … powder … yeh ahHA … have been known to add a bit of … basil. 

Shredded/grated/yes parmesan cheese … all the yes … that canned/bottled/tubed crap (green container?) is nasty … fresh shred (ooo!  another thrift store tool! cheese shredder/grater/watchtheknuckles) or buy from … fancy place?  But not that other stuff unless no other option then yes because cheese product is better than not … almost

HORROR STORY – service provider, providing service, told us that service provider had numerous kidpersons, and random sort of/not really friendperson offered bag full of kidclothes … parents need kidclothes, so nice thought. 


Service provider says that brought home bag of kidclothes, dumped bag of kidclothes in laundry room, along with bag of kidclothes came bag of ROACHES and those ROACHES scattered … ROACHES everywhere … ROACHES … as ROACHES like to do … and from that point on ROACHES service provider had to battle ROACHES all over the house until ROACHES service provider relocated and dumped most ROACHES personal property … bought all new stuff … with many kids … as service provider.  There would be so much angry(ie?)s.  englishmakesnosense

Nope.  All the nopes all the time.  Anyway.  Point, and back to FRY THE MEAT UNTIL THERE IS NO PINK PART with the onions and all the garlic(s?) … should use a big, wide pan … think cast iron skillet – doubles as cooking tool and good solid blunt force object – but there’s some seasoning-thing to do to cast iron skillet and I’m/we’re not those person(s) so … nonstick?

After finishing FRY THE MEAT UNTIL THERE IS NO PINK PART dump in the sauce, turn down the heat … I like all that fat, so Half and theKid do too, or at least, they usually eat it but that might be more because they don’t want to provide/make their own food, so … I suppose perhaps one could drain the juiciness of the fried meats but one would miss so much …  One do one …

Add the spices.  Mix together with spoon (thrift store tools!) let it boil for NO TIME and then turn down the heat to low, cover (get with thrift store tools!) let simmer …

CHECK THE PASTA … use the time on the box … when done, dump out the water (colander – more thrift store tools!), dump in some olive oil, shake it so it doesn’t stick because chunks of spaghetti are ick

Divvy up the pasta into dishes (what the word? thrift store! that’s two words)

Throw on the sauce (use a spoon! … and whaaayyyrrr???–yes)

Sprizzle/drinkle cheese on top

Shovel in.  Fed.  Done.  Until have to eat again.  Ugh.  Everyday?