
I wonder if GOD! still speaks through prophets, or if man’s disconnection is so deep that GOD! decided we could only get to Him “through the Son,” such that He’s not sending any more spiritual town criers, as it were.

But if He did, I think maybe Earl might possibly could have been a good candidate. 

Too late, like most things, I found out that Earl wore a faith with breadth, width, depth, and height {Ephesians 3:18} so likely, right now, he is in the arms of God.

How cool is that.

Man had demons, tho’ … maybe even his own personal imp.  My understanding is that he fought addictions for years but that man never lost his faith.  And he knew that if God brought him to it, He would bring him through it.…

After using drugs(?) / alcohol(?) for years, he got clean, stayed that way for some years, relapsed, then had a crushing heart attack that finally killed him.

Some people interpret his death, in that way, as a failure.


Absolute success.

He passed from the worldly with knowledge of God, and had accepted Christ Jesus as his Lord and Savior … lots of videos online as his testimony, his proof.

First law of thermodynamics — energy (in a closed system at least) is neither created nor destroyed, but merely changes form …

I believe the body qualifies as a closed system, and something … some form of energy … powers the body. 

Sooo …

                If the human body is powered by energy

                                And that energy is neither created nor destroyed

                                                But only converted into a different format,

                Then the moment that energy stops powering the body,

                                It must change into something else.

                                                And exist elsewhere.

                                                                For eternity, ‘cuz it’s never destroyed, see …

Funny:  science (first law/therm) teaches us, quite plainly, that whatever energy humans use to … well, be alive, must continue after the death of the body. 

In perpetuity?

Soul, meet Spirit?

I don’t think we’ve all been paying attention.

I don’t think we’ve all been giving the proper focus to the right things.

Debt monkey notwithstanding debt monkey is some nonsense. 

Now, the Lord tells us, The borrower is the servant of the lender {Prov. 22:7} and that it is better not to vow, than to vow and not pay {Ecc. 5:5} HOWEVER, eternal life (flip side: eternal damnation) is a weee bit more important than some credit card debt … but we’ll still do our part. 

So, back to Earl. 

Earl had a lot of fame and fortune, and never lost sight of the source – the Source – of it all.  DMX was like that. 

Earl was paying attention … even battling demons and mired in addiction Earl kept his mind right, and I think Earl is all good, all right, right now. 

So much good on him.

Rest well … Friday, December 18, 1970 = Friday, April 9, 2021