Mmm … hot onion juice

This sounds really disgusting, but somehow it makes a lot of food = fuel more so edible, so here — hot onion juice

One yellow onion, medium (softball) sized
Guess what?  GARLIC, at least …
                well, all of it, but at a minimum four or five or six cloves … mmm, garlic
Ground cayenne pepper
                (shake-shake-shake … shake-shake-shake … shake-you know the rest or maybe you don’t)
Distilled water one cup / 8oz
                (or not / kinda fancy but dep. tap water can be questionable)

Chop the onion first into teeny tiny pieces (think: good confetti), put in its own bowl, cover w/paper towel (real towel works too)

Chop the garlic next into tiny teeny pieces (again think: good confetti), put in its own bowl, same same

Let both sit for about 10-15 minutes for some reason … go do something else

Dump the onion and garlic into a small saucepan (yahyahyah-thriftstore), add the water, shake as much cayenne pepper along the top as comfortable (careful … hot tongue is a thing) then simmer on low until about half of the liquid is reduced. 

OK so done.  After it cools, place the hot onion juice with all the chopped bits into an airtight container (what’s the word–thriftstore!) and keep in the fridge for … well, until mold starts to form.  That’s a pretty good sign shouldn’t eat. No more than a week. Or so.

Fun fact / healthy reminder: mold is a life form alien to / dominant over the thing you were GOING to eat, so … yeh. Mold on food, green or black (HEY THAT’S RACIST) means don’t eat. Period. Full stop.  

You are welcome