Yes hello

Not a blog.

Not really.

Another one?  Another blaaawwwggg … ?  2016 called … its hipsters have wandered off.

Nonetheless, here we are, so hello, thank you, and welcome, glad you’re here. 

Few ground rules … first, GOD!!!  If you have a problem with that boy are you screwed! but you may be in the right place if you’re open to open, so again … welcome. 

Where was I—oh yes GOD!  He is thee! magnificent, triumphant, triumvirate GOD, and once He told me to look at porn but that’s another conversation.

So the focus here is GOD! and then escaping debt and as long as I focus on the first the rest will take care of itself (yeah baby!) so … yeah.  The other objective with this blaaawwwggg is tossing out some potential alternative spending strategies to others with maybe some of my selfsame $$$ issues and maybe get/find/create solutions and maybe get/cause/force a few laughs in the process.  Or not, whatever.  As long as I’m enjoying myself, that is key. Oh, and money. Gotta make money. Half is shrill, yet for good purpose. More on that later.

The other reason, further down in importance, is the fact that money ain’t math.

If money were simply math, 18-year-olds would not bind themselves to a lifetime of five- and six-figure debt with no more thought than a signature … at the impetus and with the support of society. 

If money were simply math, it would not be the primary reason cited by divorcing couples as justification for the split, or the cause of the rift between siblings who, once close, now never speak.

If money were simply math, managing it would be easy.

Too much emotion and identity attaches to money (spent, saved & given) to remain entirely detached and rational around it, and ultimately there are only two ways of managing money – poorly and well. 

According to several reputable sources I’m fairly intelligent.  Conversely, I’m also slow, so it takes me a minute to get something but when I finally get it I got it and I don’t let it go.  Re money, took me longer than it should have (Q. how old am I? A. enough) but I finally learned that my issue is not money or overspending or lack of budget; it’s relationship.

The real problem is … I don’t like money.  I don’t respect it, and actually find it to be more of an irritant. Money is just the thing I need to get the thing I need, and while I will never love money [1 Tim. 6:10] I do need to find a way to get along with it, because money turns the world. Without it, life is waayyy more unpleasant than it has to be, and debt winds up being a big part of that … current funds used for past crap bought with future money. Yeah, that makes sense.

For better or worse (heh) – we were married to money upon arrival … birthed and betrothed to cash … whelped and wedded to financials, and divorce is not an option because even disposing of your corpse costs something … I believe it is fairly uncommon for a body to simply rot where it falls but guess could (has?) happen(ed?).


At the core, there are only two steps to debt:  getting into it, and getting out of it.  Since I’ve had plenty of experience climbing in, just to mix things up a bit I’d like to try getting out.  And I believe that since I finally finally FINALLY understand the trick[that’s what you’re s’posed to do], I can enjoy the treat[actually not doing it]

So without further ado (too much ado?) … on to next!