Don’t Know This Person, and Agree Whole-Heartedly

Apparently, as mentioned before amongst these parts, fascism wears Dockers and Lululemon Athletica. 

Some random actress with values and opinions is getting slammed online (ah, the innernets) because she believes in the Holy Word of GOD, Who reiterated, quite clearly, twice in the Old Testament {Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13} and twice in the New Testament {1 Timothy 1:10; 1 Corin. 6:9} that homosexuality is a no-ho-no … just like fornication, just like adultery. 

Gayness isn’t the problem (well yes it is) but sexual sin that GOD doesn’t like. 

Gays can get married, just not to each other. 

Man cleaves to another man’s ass?  Is scissoring considered cleaving?  There’s no insertion, unless … y’know. Yeh. 

Just as abortion isn’t the problem (well yes it is) but sex outside of marriage.

85% of abortions are performed on unmarried women. 

If men stopped planting seed in soil they don’t own the frequency of abortion drops more than 80% and becomes a marital matter between a husband and a wife, just like GOD said so.  {Exodus 21:22}

However, we don’t have folks rallying against Tinder specifically and hook-up culture generally. 
Sexual liberation = Genital enslavement? (see:  diseases/issues of the netherbits … ewww)

Anyway, this woman, Candace something something, left someplace to go to another place that she liked better ‘cuz the new place was more like the old place used to be but now isn’t.  So she left.  And is being branded a homophobe.

Firstly, the word-ending element “-phobe” from Latin-derived “-phobus” means intense fear, hate, or dread, and no true Christian fears any man but GOD, hates no one, and dreads are a funky hairdo that every white-branded person should avoid.  So, therefore, the term is not technically accurate. 

Like “transphobe.”  Sorry no. Ad hominem attacks don’t invalidate the argument, just misdirect it.

Unless one who identifies as such is under my bed with a knife, no fear here.  And even then got guns so … bang-bang boogie.

No, the intolerance of the Hi-Lib Left is really … intolerable.  No dissent, no disagreement, no differing opinions allowed … agree, or perish.  Welcome to Cancel Culture.

Well, the culture of reasoned discourse is definitely cancelled, and – funnily enough – by those who claim most stridently to be open-minded. 

Just like women killed chivalry by insisting on equality.  S’posing the ladies twern’t aware that they got fed and taken to movies because they worked at being pretty and men worked for living. 

Equal rights mean equal lefts. 

I love that.

Good news, tho’.  Gisele Bundchen got a new boyfriend. 
Guess Tom Baby acted like that ‘coz he’s a cuckold. 
The worst guy in the world … his own commercial even said so.  Ungrateful twerp.  Ha! 

Anyway, guess the point is … folks can disagree, but only in the right way, and against the right things, or others who disagree with that person’s disagreement shout them down until only one opinion remains.

Some wit said everyone can have an opinion but there should be consequences for having it.

So what is the actual point? 

The echo chamber rules.