Right Side of History / Wrong Side of the Truth

I was hunched over, raging in a corner when GOD sent me a sudden moment of clarity.

GOD is good, all the time. Allahu Akbar, indeed.

See, we are in current times, within contemporary events, and certain people in positions of power are reading the tea leaves, as they are, and think that redefining biology with feelings is the way to go.

Our children are damned to groupthink.

Recent dictionary changes have redefined man and woman as those who feel they are man or woman, rather than leaving the accurate definitions in place … i.e., man = human adult male, or human male who has matured to adulthood, and similarly, woman = human adult female, or human female who has matured to adulthood.

Now, suspiciously, the definitions of male and female remain the same; however “man” and “woman” were terms deemed crucial to revision.

Funnily enough, the definition of “male” includes:  “belonging or relating to the sex that fertilizes eggs and does not produce babies or eggs itself.”  HA!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA all over that …

And just to forestall the usual transtrope — “So infertile men are not men?” — the exception does not negate the rule.  So there.  Go away.

And contrary to the feelings of many, there is no generalized hate for trans persons. 

Some yes, but certainly not all. 

The frustration and dislike stems from the attempts of many from that community to redefine the world so that they fit within it.

Trans persons know that what they are experiencing is abnormal – brain says one thing, body disagrees – which is explains the efforts to force the malformed peg into a warped hole.

I suppose the academic “think” tanks are of the view that, because mental illness is now the norm, and everyone is broken to some extent, language should be updated to reflect that.

Because we are living in the Last Days, the End Times, the Apocalyptic Previews.  {Matthew 24:37}

Methinks “death” can now be term-soothed “contralife” and “homicidal maniac” with “contralife differently-minded.” 

I think I like that. 

Perhaps the world should be divided in two, each nation split by miles (or kilos, for you int’l wack jobs … it’s soccer, football uses hands) with those who believe in the debt of objective truth on one side and those who believe in the free money of subjective truth on the other.

I know which side I choose. 

But, then again, football does use feet, for kicking and punting and running and such, whereas handball uses a wall. And using one’s head in football generally draws a penalty, whereas the use of the head in soccer demonstrates real skill.   Hmmm …

Nah, never mind.  Methinks that people can disagree with the definition of truth, but somebody is going to be wrong.