Flesh & Blood … yes / Morals & Ethics … no

Speaking of spiritual wickedness in high places [Ephesians 6:12}, Clarry Tom got publicly busted but will not accept that and it would matter not at all if he did. 

Apparently, for years, the second-least qualified member of the Supremes has been accepting … “gifts” … from a Texas billionaire (well there’s a problem) who finances conservative causes – including Mrs. Tom’s Rabbithole Tea-Party pissfest – and … “gifted” … solely as a “friend,” mind you … Clarry Tom & clan exclusive accommodations on yachts, private planes, and secret islands.

But Clarry Tom did nothing wrong.  Right!

See, this Texas billionaire is a dear personal friend who had no direct business with the Supremes but nonetheless has financed/fancied ultra-conservative ideologies for years and years and years and … yeh. 

My question:  did you two become buds before or after Clarry Tom assumed that high and plush leather seat and that nifty black gown?  Oh?  What was that?  After?  Well so convenient.  Nothing untoward.

See, some random legal mind told Clarry Tom some years ago that Clarry Tom need not disclose financial benefits obtained from “personal friends” as the result of his (wholly undeserved) seat on the highest (is that pot I smell?) court in the country.

AND and apparently for years Clarry Tom reported income from a real estate firm that does not exist.

AND and apparently the billionaire owns the home Clarry Tom’s mother lives in.  Rent-free.

Thurgood Marshall (now THERE’s some justice in flesh for ya) said it best: 
“A black snake will bite you just like a white one.”

Well said, your Honor, well said. 

And the Rethuglican apparatchik currently appointed to your seat is lower than the funky brown smears on the walls of the Capitol by seditious Trumpiots (did the FBI do DNA?  Methinks the data is there) … my apologies for the cynicism and moral corruption of the Horsemen.

But then, that’s just what they do. 

As far as any debt Clarry Tom owes to judicial ethics and the appearance of propriety … he’s bankrupt, and that debt will never be paid. 

All rise.