Bang the Drum, But Quickly This Time

Just saw “Sound of Freedom.”

Shattered my cold and shriveled black heart.

I get why Hollyweird doesn’t like it. Too plausible/likely/all the yepnope. Keep those babies close.

Really scary?  GOD wanted me to see this film today.  To recap the day’s events …

Yesty-day went and got takeout (diet what? where?) and when I hit the power window button the glass fell into the door with a chunk.  No shatter, which is a good thing, but the little motor just whirred and I got to experience the great +100° outdoors.  Blech.

Fun little feature of that adventure … when the glass dropped, it jammed the latch open so the door wouldn’t close.  Had to drive home holding it shut from the outside.  Sheetmetal in the summertime is not that hot, not really.

Anyhoo, sought out the Lists of Craig, found a guy, the guy said he’d come out next day, guy actually came out next day, told me expensive news (not as much AS A BRAND NEW TRUCK) so getting that fixed, but here’s the kicker … since COVID closed the world, movie theatres want folks to buy tickets and choose seats (like it’s the opera or Shen Yun or monster trucks or something) so I did that Tuesday, for a one o’clock movie on Thursday.

Window died Wednesday night.  Wednesday night, guy says he’ll come Thursday between 10 and noon.  Whelp, methinks, there goes the movie.

But wait!  There’s more!

Guy not only fixes the window to stay up but fixes the door to stay closed. 
And what time did he finish?  12:53p.

I head to the movie, thinking maybe miss first couple of minutes. 


Half and theKid call, currently on cross-country vacay with the MIL, so I must speak. 
Bust a U, heading home, gotta talk to my people.

I have a family-sized hole in my gut at the moment but we’re not going to talk about that.

It’s 1:10p.

The family then hangs up … too much static on the line.

Bust another U, back to the movies.  Get there, 1:25p.  Stand in line to get overpriced everything for noshing during the show.  An adult day care is having an outing in front of me, and I’m stuck behind them at the register.  Ah well, patience = virtue

Get the noshings, get my assigned seat.  One single commercial, then the movie starts.

Really?  GOD cares?  About this?  Why yes, yes he does.  {Matthew 10:29-30}

Tim Ballard, good all over ‘n up in you.  Got a woman priced above rubies, and blessed with many arrows in your quiver, oh yes you do, oh yes you are.

“GOD’s children are not for sale.”  No, they are not.

And methinks man (and woman) needs a reminder of that.