Hungry Monkey

After this month, I will have another 90 days before I have completely fed a monkey while simultaneously starving it to death.

Yay, me.

The point?  If I, with my preternaturally irresponsible financial self, can get serious and consistent about paying off debt, then absolutely anyone else can, too.

Now, it only took getting sued, being shrilled at by Half for several days, paying a lawyer to negotiate some debt satisfaction on my behalf, but still.  Motivation is key.

And, and … the success of the debt satisfaction of that one monkey is incentive to satisfy them all. 

Now, got a long way to go, still looking at six figures of debt to resolve, but the important thing is getting started in the first place.

Saw a thing, somewhere, from somebody, about becoming a millionaire and the steps necessary to get there:

              Step one:  Have a job, and ask (negotiate) for a higher salary.
              Step two:  Start investing one percent of take-home salary in the stock market
                               then increase by one percent at a time as comfort/able
                               (example:  if $1000/bi-weekly paycheck, toss $20/month)
              Step three:  Get a side hustle, with minimal investment time&money

Basically, sums up to making more, spending less.  Total brain surgery/rocket science, of course.

Not that I’m doing any of this, ‘cept maybe the side hustle, but doesn’t mean I won’t.

One thing at a time.  I’m working on being less fat and less broke. Maybe after dropping to five figures and by fifty pounds I can get busy elsewhere.  {1 Corin. 14:40}

But, no reason you (Other Person You) can’t use the info now.  Launch your success, get that money right(er) … Enjoy.