If Not, Don’t; If Yes, More!  More!  More!

Half and theKid returned from their travels, and I must say – family is everything.

Unless it isn’t. 

Methinks if I had not succumbed to marriage, and if Half had not insisted on being fruitful and multiplying, I believe I would not have missed what I did not have.

Let me explain (or not … you [Other Person You] are free to leave at any time, whereas wherever I go, there I am … to paraphrase the sage wisdom of PigKiller) digress

Prior to meeting Half, I was very comfortable in my singleness … singledom … singlelarium … and actually quite content with the idea of living, and ultimately dying, alone.

Envisioned a spread of farm property maintained by a gay couple (see John Connolly’s Angel and Louis … perfect) and lots and lots and LOTS of dogs, with a huge main house but residing in an apartment over the barn. 

So plenty of company, no real human commitment. 

But then.

Met Half, and realized that this was all or absolutely, positively, completely and unquestionably nothing. 

“I do.”  Late to the wedding (heh) but arrived in plenty of time.  Got lots of looks askance, but hey, we still made it to official.

But then.

Oh, look.  A baby.  A squalling, poopy, and insistent ball of joy and purpose, relying entirely on Half and other half.

Oh wow.

Let’s get another one. 

But then.

GOD said, “I have something better in mind.”

That something better?  Maximize the one given. 
Your substantial resources dedicated to that one, and that one will be ah-may-hay-zing!

So true.

The point?

If the decision is to remain childless/free, enjoy.  Life can be fulfilled (and fulfilling!) without kids.  And around these parts it is strongly recommended not to have children … have you seen the world/economy/climate/social unrest lately?  And it’s only going to get worse. {Matthew 24:19}


If you have kids / want kids / suffering from an acute case of the baby rabies?

By all means … enjoy.  Love them more than you think you can, then pile on. 
But remember: your heart will always hurt. 
Maybe in a good way, hopefully not in a bad, but the ache is constant.
And you will be broke, mostly.  Altho’ you can’t take it with you, gonna need some in the meantime.

Children are the debt we (the collective, social we) owe to the future, and are the physical embodiment of hope.

Because without, it ends.  Lineage, bloodline, legacy, life.

But either – childfree or childfull – is perfectly okay, and permanent.

Choose wisely.  And know thyself.  … check out r/regretfulparents [shuddercringe]

Full disclosure?  I’m glad Half chose for me, for all of us.

Otherwise, it would have been the worst mistake I never knew I’d made.