Five Minutes v. $5M

Well that’s disturbing.

Someone posed the question:  “Would you take $5M (dollars) or five minutes with Jesus?”

Over(under)whelmingly, folks asked chose the cash. 
Every single one of the three MFs, and one of the two dudes.

Sigh.  Sign ‘O the Times. 

Personally, I value eternal salvation over dallah-dallah bills, yooalll … but that’s me.  {Matthew 6:24}

And I wouldn’t even ask HIM anything, just offer profuse thanks, apologies for being unworthy, and worship.

But methinks that may be because I am gratefully blessed, and have zero worries.

Marriage ain’t perfect, but Half and other half are invested/committed/dedicated to the union, even if we grump and shrill.

theKid is healthy, brightly intelligent, relatively happy, and always a joy.

Health is … well, fat but working on that.  And more good news?  So is Half.  During the travels with MIL Half decided to get into a shape other than round, color me thrilled.

Despite my grumblings, I want Half to worry over my remains (bury or burn to dust or liquefy [essence of the Matrix / Half has already nixed that, said we’ll be dirt boxing] and theKid wants to turn me into a diamond … how sweet!), and we are both taking that “’til death do us part’” part seriously, so very satisfied glad re that …

Money is what it is, and not what it’s not.  The finances are the definition of temporal and transitional, and circumstances can always change.  But, since GOD and my LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST is the master of my circus, no worries there, there. 

And that’s the truth of it … time with GOD is worth more than the global GDP, and HE blesses those who believe in HIM with riches more valuable than money, than gold, than any worldly wealth.

It’s so sad / too bad that modern humans have lost sight of that, or never knew that, or don’t accept that.

Because GOD, CHRIST, and the HOLY SPIRIT is the triumvirate Gift that just keeps on giving. 
To infinity, eternity, and beyond.