Fat Matty, the Second Horseman, and Car-Catching Dogs

OK, so … my question is:  Now what?

Matt Gaetz, quintessentially repugnant roofie-slipper, charges-dropped, legacy-admission frat boy, decided it would be a good idea to boot the person third in line to the White House with no successor in mind/sight.  On the cusp of a government shut-down.  Before an election year. Dysfunctional, all.

Nice.  And the most-recent nominee (Scalise, the Klan golfer) withdrew because there was no path to actually getting the job.

Total quitter.  I like that.  Has the right spirit.  If only more Rethuglicans were of the same mindset. 

And Hamas (and nation friends) chose to attack the people attacked for, oh, couple of millennia because, well, those selfsame folks have been pretty nasty to those who object to their occupation of special dirt.  Admittedly, this is some prime dirt, none like it anywhere else in the world, but nonetheless still dirt. 

Saw on the news they … Hamas … decapitated infants in their cribs, a sort of psyops warfare designed to … what?  Outrage.  Enrage? Guess it worked.

Now, Israel is working on some type of scorched-earth response, killing everyone while advising other nations not to lecture it about moral restraint.

Well, I never.

Just read an article about how Netanyahu and his military are falling right into an Islamic trap, that the goal of Hamas’ October 7th was to evoke a brutal response and elicit some objection from the international community but more importantly disrupt a potential diplomatic accord between countries in the Middle East and Israel, which would likely politically weaken Islamic states and, by extension, the expansion interests of Russia (that oh-so huggable Gremlin in the Kremlin) and China (blueprint for the social credit scores and the emergence of the non-person). 

Ah dunno, seems like a bit of a reach.  But I never took that class so anything’s possible.

And then we have dogs on the Tok of the Tik (hi China!) chasing their tails, catching them, then looking like, Ok, now what?  Imagine if they caught a car (altho’ saw one badahh rip the front bumper right on off but that was a pit and they are different), would probably look a lot like the current MAGA Rethugs and Hamas … you got what you were chasing, now what are you going to do?

Not that I’m mad, not in the slightest.

I get why the MAGA cabal does what it does.  They liked having a guy in charge that said the quiet parts out loud, and simply cannot / don’t want … to let that go.  Kind of like the American parasitic enslavers of the 17th-19th centuries, waged war against their own country (sound familiar?  At least the APEs didn’t smear poop on the walls of Congress, better manners&home training shudder) to get what they wanted, and damn the consequences to the nation. Still fighting a race war, some two centuries later. (sigh)

And Hamas doesn’t give a rip about dead babies, theirs or anyone else’s.  Most of the men are incels (not enough women to go around – gotta open Pandora’s box) and gave no thought to the coming dead from retribution. 

I heard somewhere that Islam is a religion of peace … haven’t seen much evidence of that. 
Need better missionaries.  Could ask the Mormons for some tips.  Bikes are nice.

Anyhoo, been saying for a while that these are the last days, and this generation (Gen X?  Millennials?  Gen Z?  Gen Alpha?) may very well represent the final days of man.

Not mad about that either.  Just reinforces my bullet-proof faith.  Kind of like spiritual Kevlar.

GOD said it.  {Ezekial 38:18 ; Matthew 24:10 ; Revelation 3:9}

I believe it. 

And the proof is everywhere.
