All the Pretty Princessessessess

Feeling a little peeved, ‘tho really shouldn’t.

Totally expected, still sad.

OK so this article recounted the pain of MFs who are also wives/mothers and who failed to receive a single Christmas present.

What?  First off, ain’t her birthday (but if it is beyond the 21st birthday celebrations are just attention-seeking hubris) and second … is she a child?

Why should anyone who isn’t living rent free and being warehoused with other similarly-situated gremlins for 7-8 hours a day expect anything?

Kids are kids.  Believe in Santa Claus and Tooth Fairies and Closet Monsters (ok that last one might be real / the door stays closed) so I get the whole “what’d you get me for Christmas” attitude from the littler humans but MFs?  Really?

The fact that she has a husband and children is her real reward … the “stuff” is just extra gravy on those mashed ‘toes. 

And yes, recognition for one’s work is appreciated … that’s what the paycheck is for.  A husband that comes home, who’s invested/interested in the kids, kids that are (relatively) healthy and (somewhat) intelligent and who will eventually leave the nest … she’s getting paid every day.

But today’s problematic MFs expect presents/validation on Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, anniversary, and birthday, in addition to Christmas … really?  Why do women think they are just oh-so special to deserve ALL that? 

Yes the sexytimes and birthing people and feeding graspy little stinkbuckets is work, but hey …
get a Birkin and a pocket dog instead, go live your life. 

Education and career vs marriage and family … no one is keeping her from her joy except her, and at an 80 percent divorce-seeking rate, she won’t find it anytime soon. 

Women owe a debt to themselves to calm … those hindparts … down
It (whatever “it” is), and the world, is not about you.

theKid showed me a meme of two cartoon men drinking coffee and declaring:  “Women.”  Then laughing hysterically.  Or maybe maniacally. Either works.

Truer word not spoken. 

Whelp, in less than 50 years about 50 percent of women will be unmarried and childless, so maybe that’s what she/they really wants. 

Careful what you ask for. 

GOD always answers prayers {1 Peter 3:7}, even if the answer isn’t the one you thought you wanted.