Ignorance is This

Read somewhere (or maybe I’m making it up) that being beholden to the numbers on the scale is detrimental to weight loss.

So … rather not know.  Might check every six months or so, but make no promises / tell no lies.

Instead, just working on being consistent … the MaxiClimber and I are getting to know each other well.

Saw a woman on the Tubes of You (now this I can confirm) who made a complete life change after her husband(?)/boyfriend(?)/babydaddy(?) left her for a younger/smaller/fitter woman.

She (the woman, not the other) looked good, too.  Said that she started out 200+ pounds, managed to lose 70+ pounds over a year or so, just working on the doohickey thingamajig for 30 minutes every day.

Well good all over her.

I, however, cannot.

She also suggested not jumping right from nothing into 30 mins of workout but rather pace yourself, add a minute or so a week to build up to the 30 min mark.

That, however, I can do.  Not a minute increase – oh-ho-no – more like 30 seconds.  Because I am fat.  And preternaturally lazy, so there’s that. 

Half complained (again) recently, but Half is also on a workout / fatless journey.  Not us together, oh-ho-no! not that / never that … but we’re both working on our respective shapes, ‘cuz each deserves better than a slob for a spouse.  {1 Corin. 7:3}

Physical fitness is a debt we owe to ourselves, constantly. About, oh, a million years ago I went to a “gym” (of sorts) where one of the folks there had the body of a 25-year-old at twice the age.
Debt paid in full, very nice.

And, besides, me and Half want not to embarrass theKid before theKid’s tribal members.
theKid, btw, is in fabulous shape but admittedly, notably has the metabolism, energy and activity level of a meerkat on crack, so there’s that.

Now, back to that extra half minute.