I Stand (and Sit, and Recline) Corrected

Hmmm, received some differing opinions that appear really, really, really valid.

Seems that there are a bunch of folks thanking “Jesus” and paying homage to their faith.

Mentioned somewheres around these parts not too distantly recent that methought the Ye of the Kan was truthful in his profession of faith to CHRIST JESUS, based solely on a song he wrote.

Great song, both versions, the sacred and the profane.


There’s a very (who seems to me/be) wise content purveyor (great Scrabble word) who discusses the Scriptures and gives excellent analysis (methinks) of the Word and the world.

And this person said that the “Jesus” those in the entertainment industry reference is not the JESUS of the Bible, but rather the devil in antichrist format.

Hmmm.  Quite disturbing, that.  But very entirely possibly correct. 

See, we (the collective humanity of “we”) are currently living in the End Times prophesied by John (one of the original 12), latter of Patmos, in the Book of Revelation.  And this person stated that in order to accept the antichrist as a messiah, saver of the world, he (‘coz likely to be a dude … “man of sin … son of perdition” {2 Thessalonians 2:3} will have to be a figure that the masses know and recognize, and will blaspheme the name of JESUS to acquire power over the earth.


Saw a portion of a video (had to turn it off / made my soul ache) of a particularly noxious little creature asserting he was getting into ‘his Christian life.”

Ummm, based on prior acts (specifically, shoes rumored to have a drop of blood and Luke 10:18 stenciled on the side [shudder]), methinks this person has thrown his lot fully to the adversary, but none are beyond redemption.  {1 Corin. 6:11}

Wondering if the final days of man has some in the entertainment industry reconsidering their choice, or just doubling down. 

The Swifties do worship a witch … saw video of her performing a ritual at her concert … circle of flame and black robes and chanting, whole bit.  Wonder if Travis knows what/who he’s getting into, if there will be a sacrifice.  A debt to be paid to her master, p’raps?

Fans have died before, during, and after her concerts, soooo … that Chief should be careful.

Methinks Lucifer’s entire problem was wanting to be famous … “[like] the Most High.”

Should have known that was futile.  “F” for effort.