True American Horseman

He should have gotten the Oscar. 

But I understand why he didn’t.  Perception is everything, and reveling in America’s bloodlust via such a celebratory demonstrative manner is frowned upon. 

Glad he didn’t hit the dog, tho’.

Chris Kyle was the man.  Thought Brad Cooper did a great job in the role.  Totally hulked out, too.  Talk about commitment to one’s art.  Got nothing on Christian Bale (did you see “The Machinist?”  Or “Vice”?  Thought the true Emperor Palpatine got his SAG card) but the similarity was still striking.

Felt worse for Mrs. Kyle, and the Kyle kids.  Finally get hubby/daddy back, only for him to be cut down by one of his own.

The American Sniper died in such a tragically poetic way … he saved so many men by killing (160 confirmed kills, indeed) makes methinks almost wonder if GOD decided he had to give up his own life to the type of man he would have saved.

GOD always demands a sacrifice.  Even Abraham.  He didn’t kill Isaac, but a ram did get caught in a nearby thicket {Genesis 22:13}, so … yeah.

America has always been good at killing, and he was one of the best. 

Sacrifice is akin to a debt, with GOD as the ultimate creditor.

Why, you (Other Person You, never me) ask?

Might ask well ask Job.