Socializing with the Unsociable

Once again … so glad to be officially hitched.  It ain’t perfect but it is all mine.

MFs today not going to Cheesecake Factory or Olive Garden or Applebee’s.

Well stay your ahh right on home, then.  Sheesh.

$300 for a first date?  Really? 

What is that?  Where does all that entitlement come from?


Half and other half went to a movie dutch on the first “date” … more of an extended introduction, had to figure out if we liked each other enough to spend any additional time together. 

Second date?  A nice dinner and discussion of relationship expectations. 

And here we are, some umpty years later, still going … well if not strong then at least under the same roof and last name, so there’s that.

A near&dear said something the other day that really stuck: 
Millennials are the last generation to play outside. 

That’s probably the problem with the average MF.  Not enough fresh air growing up.

Speaking of … watched a video just recently, and … well, color me disturbed.

Apparently, there is an heir to the throne, unoccupied since the death of the Godfather
(RIP, Mr. Samuels).

Melanie is King.  Liking her so very much.  Talks a bit more than actually necessary but she has thoughts and opinions and, well, girlbrain, so to be expected.

Anyhoo, Ms. King called a MF — I jest not — the Great Whore of Babylon. 

How could I love this more. 

Seems this particular MF was in her truth and discovering her feminine and boss bae energy and all that.

The podcast in question concerned MFs and relationships, or lack thereof.  Women feeling entitled to a man’s … well, everything before the parameters of the relationship have even been established, much less discussed. 

There was a guy other than the podcaster? moderator? host? michead – who was of the opinion that no man with any assets should get married, ever, because in marriage the benefits accrue solely to women at the expense of men.

Ehhh … I disagree. 

Admittedly, much of what women/wife provide can be outsourced … a chef to prepare meals, a housekeeper to scrub toilets & all, dry cleaners/laundry service, a visiting nurse to care when sick, an executive assistant to run those errands, a pro-hole to satisfy those base, biological urges … the irony being that to avoid a woman who only wants him for his money a man must secure the services of a woman who only wants him for his money.


Now true / some of those roles could be filled by non-women, but methinks the average hetero homo sapien prefers to be serviced by a woman.  Just sayin’.

And I get it … Melanie is King had a point: she used to believe that finding “the right one” made the effort worthwhile, if she is a good woman, and he a good man, a good marriage can result.

But doesn’t believe that anymore.

MFs are not the women of old. 

The standard average man is not getting a submissive fertile virgin with a cookbook and gratitude. 
She is as much the unicorn as the triple-6 guy (hmmm?) who just wants to settle in and commit.


And Ms. King is going to have the same problem getting her message heard that women have always had … she’s not a man.  That’s why Mr. Samuels was so effective, and also why he had to die (“heart attack” my left butt cheek).  Anyhoo …

Methinks much of the modern problem arises from the willingness and desire to be exactly what we are not made nor called to be … we know right from wrong — that’s where the shame comes from — yet the moment feels good, and most MFs give in to it. 

Even the very young are instilled with a moral awareness, the bad done in secret … which is why kids play with matches in the closet, hidden from sight. 

Methinks the MFs demanding everything/giving nothing (“I am the table”) and spreading it wide on the internets for $4.99/month know full well that what they are doing is self-destructive but it feels good in the moment, so why not.

Women know that telling a man he must spend a week of groceries for a family of four for a single dinner date is unreasonable … but it feels good, and she might get him to do it.  Á la “foodie-calls.”

Women know that porn stars and prostitutes are universally disrespected in every human culture on earth but in the same vein as a man is a woman not it’s not yes it is / my truth is my reality / neener-neener / it’s my body respect my choices but never-dever judge me for them.

No one wants to learn to type anymore.  And there are even free programs online! 

Saw a … video burp about a man approaching a pro-hole and asking how much. 

She told him $200. 

He asked if she would clean his house and cook him a meal for that, no physical touching necessary. 

She declined.  {Revelation 2:21}

And it’s not just the MFs … men are a problem, too. 

Actually, men are the main problem.  Wait!  Hear me out …

Men enjoyed the liberation wrought by the Pill, were some of the main beneficiaries
(boo-tay w/o commitment, marriage, or even an exchange of names!  He is in! … [literally&figuratively])

But men’s desires in a wife never wavered. 
Feminine, demure, pleasant, good cook, pleasing tone, all that …
or to quote Chris Rock: “Food, sex and silence.”

Men, however, hunted for the middle, and made do without the ends. 
So, in response, women gave men what they wanted to get men … forgot where I heard it and don’t feel like looking it up …

“Men give love to get sex.  Women give sex to get love.” 

And therein lies our collective problem. 
Men have stopped giving, and that is all women have to give. 

And men, those rational, reasonable, reliable creatures, should have told women early on, back in 1960 “Hey, you might be able to do that without getting that but we’re not going to wife you if you do.” 

‘Cuz men still want virgins; just don’t want to be one. 

And men of old, men of renown had the unfortunate habit of starting families and then abandoning them … not a lot, but certainly enough … leaving women to raise kids without resources.

Picture that.  So women wanted out of the kitchen and into the workforce, self-reliance indeed.

Men were/are unreliable, swapping out the old model for the new. 
Betty Broderick, for all her fat weeping, certainly made her point. 

Stuck with the guy during the hard years then he levels up, treating her like an afterthought.

Like the man said … I don’t condone it, but I understand it. 

We have forgotten the debt we owe to each other.