Hijacking “Jesus”

It’s been three years and some days since Trump and his merry band of Trumpiots tried to overthrow the government.  

Oh yes, you did!  YES, you DID, Brett!  That’s what insurrection looks like. 

They actively and intentionally took affirmative steps (I see you, Q Anon Shaman) to stop the certification of the 2020 presidential election for the CryptKeeper by disrupting the proceedings, and possibly lynching Pence and Pelosi.  Maybe should’ve let ‘em, see how that turned out.

And the human feces smeared on the walls of the Capitol is just icing on the poop cake. 

Recently, however, read an article that upon re-election Trump is planning to install a loyalist faction in the DoJ to investigate “anti-Christian bias” in any and all forms, primarily public and private institutions that are pro-Rainbow Mafia and disagree with those who disagree with them.

Hmmm.  No.

See, JESUS broke bread with the deplorables, the undesirables, the outcasts … said on occasion that the healthy don’t need a physician; only the sick.  {Mark 2:17}  And the Trumpiots don’t like anybody who doesn’t look/think/act/believe as they do. 

Methinks they should try reading the Good Book instead of just bludgeoning people with it. 
{Philippians 2:3}
Might uncover some humility, find out just how wrong they are.

But that’s both sides.  The Rainbow Mafia is intolerant of anyone who expresses the opinion that homosexuality is a hard (heh) no, based on the teachings in the Testaments of the Old and New
(sidenote: funny how no one wants to address the anti-homo stance in the Quran … Allah Akbar, indeed) and basically, even from a strictly atheistic, evolutionary viewpoint homosexuality serves no purpose in nature. 

It is an act, not an identity. 

Read (but did not finish / my brain recoiled) a book about the Christian Identity ideology, and how their faith interprets certain, selected passages of the Bible to define/describe Horsemen as GOD’s chosen people, and used Scripture to support that miscegenation/race-mixing was a biblical offense … basically Hitler standing on the Bible to justify his beliefs/words/actions.

Ewww, no.  But!  It is a thing.

The Roman Catholic Church has been obtaining and secreting trinkets, baubles and doodads of particular religious value for over 1000 years (chew on that for a moment) on the justification that the Mother Church is the supreme authority, and the Pope is ordained by GOD but chosen by men.

Huh?  Right.  And that whole child r@pe thing over generations? 
Said it before, say it here:  a child need not be killed to be a sacrifice.

BUT But but … GOD already told us.  HE said it / in both the Old and the New / and I believe it.

There will be many who come in HIS name {Ezekiel 22:28 / 2 Peter 2:1} but test their words against Scripture, and GOD will reveal the truth. 

Everyone who claims HIM ain’t from HIM.

Watch.  Wait.  Pray.  The debt to truth is paid with discernment.