Conspiracy of Dunces

OK so latest polling suggests ‘Murricans don’t want Clueless Joe/CryptKeeper or Potato Don/Orange Jesus as the next leader of the “free” world.


Despite vocals that resonate like skin on a mandoline RFK Jr. is doing very well across all voting groups, so much so that his electability is even better than that of the leading, two-party candidates.

BUT but both the Dumbocrats and Rethuglicans want to keep him off the ballot, ‘coz it’s bad/worse for both of them … irregardless/disrespective of the fact that Donny-Boy is disqualified (I’ll see your 14th Amendment and call with the insurrection) and Clueless Joe said privately he knows he’s too old but worries if he doesn’t, who will.

Now what does that say about the state of the American state?  {Jeremiah 10:8}

Truth be told (wait—this is politics/never that) that used BMW salesman sleeping with the finance manager’s wife the Slickster, California’s own problem Gavin Newsom, is positioning himself as a/the DNC’s next frontrunner … and he has the “look.”

Supposedly, good-looking on TV is what won Kennedy the White House, that and votes from the dead
(behind every great fortune is a great crime … Bootlegger Joe, indeed)

Methinks Gavin’s a bit too blue-state to actually win/govern the entire U.S. but hey waduino, just another random head on the innernets.

Anyboots a recent article discussed that exact problem … RNC v. DNC, and the two only working together to keep alternative parties/candidates off the ballot, and deny voters the true right of choice. 

The Federalists, the Whigs, the Liberties/Liberty-ites(?), the Know-Nothingers (no, not Trumpiots, just against immigration and religion … truly knew nothing at all), the Populists, the Socialists, the Progressives … now we have the “No Labels” Party, which is, in and of itself, problematic, because if that party stands for not labeling anything, how does it identify the issues?  Wat?

Admittedly / I don’t particularly care. 
The new boss is always the same as the old boss; ain’t the individual but the position held. 

Power does not corrupt; the fear of the loss of that power does. 

And one person in power can’t be too much of a revolutionary because then the whole system fails.  Which might not be a bad thing, but Negan is often the winner in those situations. 

The ruthless tend to win. 

Speaking of … the Kennedy family denounced RFK, Jr. as a distraction and spoiler, said his candidacy might give the White House back to Potato Don.


Methinks a large portion / plurality even? / of Republicans don’t like Trump, thinks he’s the syphilitic sores on those grubby orange palms, and want an alternative that Nikki “I don’t see color” Haley can’t offer.

Besides … the world is burning, and women are not the best firefighters.

Noh, methinks RFK, Jr. would make/have a much better showing than either of the two foreskins in front right now but is denied a legitimate chance because both parties – RNC and DNC – would rather the votes to be stuck with only either of them. 

No choices for you, plebe.  You’ll take what we give you and … take it.

Guess democracy is in debt, too.