Points, Practice, Physics … and Politics

theKid recently expressed some frustration with the foolishness of grown folks … and youth sports.

Yeh, the kids think the parents are dumb too.

And kids always bear the burden of a parent’s mistakes.  Ergo, to wit:  my parents split before I hit kindergarten, totally destroyed the family, and the scars from that destruction have faded but are very much still there. 

Same for Half, who was still a baby youngling when Half’s parents decided to end things.  There was some additional baggage there too; Half has spent a lifetime working out that damage, and trying not to break theKid during the learning process. 

Might be one reason for theKid being so maudlin.  But … we’re working on it.   {Proverbs 22:6}

Maybe try therapy, maybe just rub some dirt on it.  Or Robitussin.

Anyhoo, theKid sees a lot of grown folks’ foolishness and remains perplexed … and methinks no can blame.  Most of the time I don’t understand other people.

Some of the parents (not ours / ours are GREAT) got into … not fisticuffs, but verbal battling, sprays of spit in the heat of prattle.  Refs had to stop the game until folks calmed down.  Overall unpleasant.

The debt to decorum remains unpaid, apparently. 

The kids are watching.  And learning.  Better to be a good example than to be right.

After the p(l)andemic, it really does seem that people have lost a bit of civility.  I think it stems from fear.

Lives so thoroughly upended with no warning and no right to refuse. 
Wait— that’s not right.  One could refuse, but at the cost of one’s livelihood.  There is that.

The Damoclesian blade hanging over us all.  What’s the Hobbes’ quote re life? 
“Nasty, brutish, and short”? 

Well, with good insurance, we can drag it out almost interminably.  And then there’s cryogenics. 

A woman in Minnesota was frozen solid for six hours then … defrosted, brought back to life. 

Same for a kid in Pennsylvania … frozen for 12 hours, brought back gradually. 

I guess Walt Disney might be on to something.  But where will they find a body? 
Enter AI [shudders]