Death Metal

Sitting here amazed that there aren’t more 70-car pileups with multiple fatalities on a day-to-day basis, on these here ‘Murrican highways.

What the Staties call a “high-casualty incident.”

I mean … seriously.

Recently read a BuzzFeed … feed?  Article?  Post?  Musing? about the Internet’s perspective on the world before and after the plandemic (yeh I seddit) and let’s just say … that was interesting.

Prices of everything was a big one, easily the most notable. 

But what sort of struck me was the observation as to the overall maniacal nature of drivers these days.  No courtesy.  No common respect.  People not using turn signals (did they ever?), randomly abrupt with the changing of the lanes, excessive (even for me … and I regularly give Half heart seizures) speeds … it’s as if the freedom of the roads when everybody stayed home became infectious, no one wants to give that up.

Forget those rules of the road / don’t apply to me-ee

Folks have always been texting and driving but it seems worse now … content creators creating content while switching lanes.  One guy filmed himself doing 92 (that’s mph, for you heathens) in a rainstorm.

What?  Why?

Methinks we (the collective specie “we”) are all experiencing a sense of foreboding, that something bigger is coming, and again we will not be prepared. 

I don’t believe it’s JESUS, not just yet.  The abomination of desolation does not stand in the holy place {Matthew 24:15}, so methinks we may have a wee bit of time left.

But what do I know. 

Not much.  But I do know this …

… Mankind and his kin scent something in the wind, and it is foul. 

Suicide rates and mental health declines are on the rise. 

Did you know a QR code can contain your home address, blood type, and credit score?

There’s video of a woman getting her groceries from Whole Paycheck with a wave of her palm. 
Financial info implanted in the flesh.

And that ol’ sour Musky funk just implanted his neuralink into a human mind. 

Don’t think he’s the antiChrist, tho’.  Too banal, too basic, too mid.  But then again … so is evil.

Mark on the head or the hand. 

It’s coming.  Or is it here?