It Ain’t the Kids

theKid has been involved in sports from, oh, say, slightly after exiting the womb.

Half was instrumental in that.  I’m inclined to let children grow like weeds, let ‘em take over and blossom as they will but I’m also deeply in debt and fairly irresponsible soooooo … yeh.

So theKid has played sports (sport) for years now, and the sports world is a fairly small one, pretty self-contained, same faces, same folks.


theKid starting playing with this one other kid fairly early on, they meshed pretty well, had fun together, competed both together and on opposite teams.

So this kid has a parent who wants all the success right now and hurry up.  Doesn’t really want this kid to develop/improve in stages, as kids are wont to do, but rather expects excellence immediately, and if doesn’t get it moves this kid to another team where the aforementioned instant winning gratification is sought/promised/expected.


Just recently this kid and theKid wound up on the same team together again, having a blast, glad to see, and the team had some early success.

But.  See above.

Full disclosure:  the coach for theKid’s team sucks.  Arrogant and clueless, and in a position of power … eerily familiar, but whatevs. 

So after some early success the gaps in training, skills, performance and leadership began to show.

Not a complete bust of a season, but pretty close.

So, this kid’s parent decides to take this kid off theKid’s team in the middle of the season.

After all fees paid.  After plays drawn up.  After chemistry is … chemisted. 

Methinks this kid would go play wherever, just wants to be around friends.  But the parent? 

A SuperBowl ring and a Stanley Cup and a WWE belt and and and … which sucks for this kid, because who can live up to that?  And all before puberty?

It ain’t the kids.

Methinks that part of becoming an adult involves losing that essential goodness in most kids, in finding one’s inner ahh-hole, and cultivating that to survive.

Which says what about modern human civilization.  Sheesh.  We are the problem.

Again – it ain’t the kids. 

Adults always comment on how kids are cruel and insensitive … vipers in diapers … but methinks that’s just predictive programming for adulthood.

Coz methinks – after whom are they modeling their behavior?  {Proverbs 22:6}


theKid went and played on the other kid’s new team just this recent, and again, they played well together. 

Team lost, but that’s to be expected with new team-new players-new chemistry-new coach.

Just kinda sad, tho’.

Methinks adults owe children the debt of allowing them to be children … it’s for such a short period – less than 20 years – and then … they get to spend the rest of life as an adult.

And the world insists … the morning of the 18th birthday, magical poof!  Welcome to taxes, bills, life insurance, self-sustenance and accountability for all actions … we neglected to teach all that was necessary to know but have at.  Enjoy.  Here, have a beer— whoops! 

Wait three more years for that.  You can die for this country, spend the rest of your life in prison and buy a gun, but vodka is a no. 


It ain’t the kids.