Paroxysms of Paradox

Watched “Se7en” again just recently.

What a great movie.  Not as big of a fan of “8MM” but to each his own. 
Nic Cage did his usual; Joaquin Phoenix was actually quite stellar.  Had to die, tho.’

Anyhoo, back to “Se7en” … “What’s in the baaaaaahhhhhkkkkkksssss?!?!

There’s a scene before the scene where Mills asks John Doe if the insane know they are crazy.
“Masturbating in your own feces” is a visual replete.

Which brings/begs the question:  Does America know she’s crazy?  Or at the very least … schizophrenic.

I mean, really.  Gunshots at the Super Bowl parade?  Combines two of ‘Murrica’s favorite pastimes – football and guns – but this is a bad combo, like OJ and toothpaste. Or Nicole (more on that someday … or not)

Methinks joy was the feeling when the Chiefs back-to-backed it … here’s hoping for a three-peat.  Not necessarily because I like the Chiefs (although Andy Reid holds a special place in my cold little heart) but just so Tom Baby’s record can be eclipsed (yah, butcha couldn’t three-peat … so who’s the G.O.A.T. naaahow? [sneer])

Little girl gets murdered by the demon living next door, guy was considered a family friend who’d occasionally take the girl to school.  What the actual?

Oh.  Yeh.  Body counts in school yards are a thing, here in the good ol’ You Ess of Aye.  theKid’s school keeps all the classroom doors locked, runs emergency drills (stop, drop, and dodge … we are all Neo).

Pregnant women (not people but women – wick eh wat, zackly?) are being forced to travel from their home states like runaway slaves to escape the wombcatchers.  What the actual?

We celebrate life while disregarding it. 

400K kids in foster care. 

Crisis of mental health in young people.

We venerate freedom while denying it to millions. What the actual?

We force pregnant women into childbirth then do nothing to support the kid to and through adulthood.  What the actual? 

Men are struggling and dying alone and the nation merely offers a collective shrug.

Ummm.  People are important.  Even if they smell and are rude in traffic and mock the less fortunate, people suck but they are necessary for other people.  Not to the planet, or to animals – maybe dogs, dogs might miss us – but to each other.  We are our own self-replicating problem and solution.

Texas defied federal authorities (shall it secede … again?) re the border re illegals/migrants/humans seeking better lives than what’s available back home, but a mother and her kids can drown because they’re brown.

Somehow I think Gov. Abbott would have saved a blond and her babies.  But hey.  I’m jaded.

Oklahoma wants a database of women and their periods or something, so the state can track ovulation and menses.


And Alabama … oh, Alabama.  Get ready for 27 exemptions claimed every year on those taxes.  Do the feds issue SS#s to the brainless without flesh?  Oh yeh that’s right – the Alabama Supremes and legislators have to file each year, so hmmm.

Create potential people in a petri dish, discover no one really understands the ramifications of that.

Just because you can doesn’t necessarily mean you should.

It is imminently amusing to see men trying to play GOD discover they are wholly unqualified for the job.

About to have a national election for the 47th President of the United States and the entire world is trembling … it’s come down to the CryptKeeper and the Huckster, ol’ Potato Don.

Hobson’s choice?  Anyone?  Anyone?  And both of these horses should be taken out and shot, save us all the misery.

But then again voters would probably get to choose between a used BMW salesman (Newsom) and a Trumpiot flexing his inbred cred (JD Vance) … my goodness.

Nayib Bukele, president of El Salvador, lectured ‘Murricans at the latest Washingtonian CPAC re our failure to corral the woke cats, and our impending demise.

He’s not wrong, per se.  But ubermegaprisons seem a bit extreme, albeit apparently effective.

Have to admit … it was nice while it lasted, that whole American experiment-thingy, the notion that working hard at making the right connections allows a person to accomplish just about anything.

Clary Tom knows that well.

Nicer for some than for others, but overall it was a good idea with piss-poor execution.

Debt to democracy, indeed.

The American Empire is fallen.  I wonder if 47 will play the fiddle?