Law of Unintended (or Maybe Intended?) Consequences

All this bru-hah-hah, all this strum ‘n drang, all this hullabaloo, makes me wonder just how (not)smart the Supremes really are.

And how much of the Dobbs decision is rooted in the Supreme Court’s own demagoguery.

Alabama (we can already see the problem there) recently ruled that embryos are actual people, despite having neither brain nor heart — which fairly describes Alabama’s high court.  Just sayin.’

AND, and, apparently that whole separation of church and state is just a nuisance to those jurists, ‘coz the main guy actually invoked “the wrath of a Holy God” in an official court decision.

Ummm.  No.

For the uninformed, a “cryogenic nursery” – egg freezer – in Alabama was sued because a couple’s eggs were inadvertently/negligently destroyed.  Alabama has a statute allowing parents (guardians?) to file a civil suit for punitive damages from the death of a child.  The couple then opened this Pandora’s box seeking cash rewards for the loss of their frozen embryos, and of course Alabama said, “Sure.  Why not?” 

Despite having some of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the nation, Alabama just keeps on keeping on.

The corollary?  Alabama has thus far proven itself incapable of caring for the mothers & babies it already has, seems it would be better served to focus on fixing its current problems as opposed to insisting on the arrival of new ones.

Welp, folks with the means are moving out and away, which is as it should be. 

Alabama (and much of the South, it seems) will become a welfare wasteland … which is also as it should be.

Apparently, the CryptKeeper’s economic agenda has benefited red states more than his own Democratic-leaning blue.  Fitting.

P’rhaps breeders in the South should go anal only, smear a little spermicide (as long as still legal) in and around the danger zone, get comfortable with the buggery.  {Romans 1:26}


Clary Tom suggested that some of the old rules (sans miscegenation, of course) should be revisited, would bet a shiny quarter that the Supremes will re-outlaw sodomy.

But then again, amongst the hetero, who would know? 

Methinks the fellas (“ah-ma fellas” / dun-dun-da-nuh) would not complain so overmuch. 
Some frat (of course it was in the South) got suspended for its motto:  “No means yes; yes means anal.” 

What happens in the bedroom/bathroom/backseat … just like Vegas.  
No trip to the clinic/mailbox needed.

Altho’ proctologists would get an influx … no pun. 

Yah, methinks a second Civil War is simmering in our hodgepot of democracy.
“Unwind” (Neal Shusterman, greatly horrifying YA series) is looking more and more like predictive fiction.

LORD, please help us all.