Part of the Problem

Well, that’s interesting.

Little late to the party … which started back in 2019, in another country, but wasn’t actually invited and has absolutely nothing to do with me so my tardiness is perfectly understandable.

South Korean women are done.  So much for passport bros.

It’s called the 4B movement — bihon (no marriage), bichulsan (no babies), biyeonae (no dating) and bisekseu (no intercourse) — with women taking themselves out of the coupling equation. 

And rumor has it, women everywhere are beginning to embrace the idea. 
No meets/no greets, no seggytimes, no wedded bliss, no breeding. 

Someone declared that the 4B movement could not last because the species would die out.

Not right away, but South Korea does have the world’s lowest birthrate (projected at 0.68 for 2024) and as more women opt out, the results are fairly predictable; however, many women are unable to find the ability to care.

In 2019 “happiness expert” (dfq?) and economics professor Paul Dolan (book:  “Happy Ever After” / see the Jungle Shop) declared that single, childless/free women were the happiest demographic.

Oops.  Looks like MGTOW/redpill (of which I am a fan) is discovering the law of unintended consequences.

Have to admit … not mad at that.  Maybe because I gots mine (heh—thanks Half!) but theKid does have to deal with the uncertain future so there is that. 


It seems, just from overall complaints, that women in general / and South Korean women in particular / are tired of traditional gender roles and electing to opt out. 

And methinks the concerns are entirely valid.

For most households women carry the household … food acquisition and prep, housecleaning, childcare, schoolwork, spending plans, extracurricular activities, doctor visits, occasionally even arranging for home repairs, vehicle maintenance, and veterinary appointments. 

On top of working full-time.  Say hello to the second (and possibly third) shift.

Yah, methinks I geddit. 

And the typical male response to the all-encompassing, overarching joy of single, childless/free women is equally understandable … after all, science has yet to replicate the womb, and Tiffany – despite appearances – unequivocally exposes the lies, foolishness and delusion of any debate re gender identity. 

A human born male is not, and will never be, a woman … one of two creatures required for the continuation of the species. 

Biology dictates that men can ejaculate and die (is that the perfect exit? methinks, p’rhaps), yet gestation – if begun, and she remains healthy – continues. 

And that same biology requires women to live quite a bit longer and (just for kicks and giggles) further enables her to feed the offspring with her own body.  Let that digest (heh.)

It is fairly telling that women seem to be doing OK without men, and while some men do very well without women there is an entire subreddit subculture of men bitter without the aforementioned. 
Incels, anyone? 

Several women on social media have reported being punched in the face by random guys in NYC … ummm, wat? One guy recently witnessed his girlfriend being assaulted and had to actually fight the guy on the street.  He fell down and the dude got away, but … yeah. 

And men constantly run back to the truth that they built the world as it is … infrastructure, the power grid, indoor plumbing … all men. 


Not sure if he was the first but some comedian observed that without the need to impress and obtain women men would still be living in caves, donned in loinpelts and nibbling insects. 

Methinks the ultimate reality is thus this:  Men provide the how … women are the why.

So what now?

MFs don’t like the status quo of traditional gender roles, with some are stepping away entirely.  So rather than punching random women in the face, maybe men should reevaluate their roles.

Feminism arose because women were tired of living in freefall … if her husband left/died, she was stuck.  And although mebelieves most men are good {Titus 1:6}, bearded scum ruin it for everyone. 

Must be nice to come home from work, unbothered by dinner, housekeeping, and offspring issues.  Kick off shoes, flop down in chair/on sofa, have meal placed in face, and zone out with a little COD or MLB or other acronym of entertainment.  Maybe (likely not) get some box, go to sleep, lather-rinse-repeat. 


Maybe perhaps she would like to do that too, and lacks the option. 
Because she is married/coupled
(to a man)
who impregnated her
(with his children, for whom she is caring, effectively alone). 

And be truthful – the average guy is not coming home from the cotton fields or the salt mines.  Even deepsea oil rigs are safer … by no means safe, but the pay is commensurate to the risk. There are workplace protections now (except in Florida, go figure) and workers’ comp.  Men are a lot more protected in the workplace than in olden days.

The biggest risk now?  Lumbergh

Just a thought.  Maybe instead of being the problem, men could try a few solutions.

MFs don’t like carrying the burden of a household … soooooo, three days a week he does meals, three days a week she does meals, and the residual day is take out or sandwiches, and they alternate the duty on a weekly basis.

Maybe he vacuums and she cleans the toilet, or vice versa.  Maybe he takes on the chauffeur duty to ferry the kids around … school, extracurrics, appointments, whatevs. 

Maybe she mows the lawn or handles the dogs while he does laundry.

But whatever works, something’s gotta work better.  Maybe men should consider the debt owed to women. 

Or not.

Maybe 4B is E.L.E.

In the form of happily single, childless/free women.
